Time flies so fast

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Time flies so fast....

"Aiden...don't eat my hair..." Aether said while Aiden, their 3 third son is eating Aether's hair. "Hahaha..our kids really like to eat your hair." Childe said. ".....HMMP!! I hate you!!" Aether said with a cute angry face. "Awww..I love you too~" Childe flirt with Aether. "Ugh..." Aether grunt with annoyed. "Hurry up and take Amy and Adrien!!!" Aether said. "Fine fineee...." Childe said. "Mama!! Hurry, I want to go to see Uncle Scara!!" Andrew said. Aether and Childe laughed. "Hahaha..ok..." Childe said.

They went to Childe's working place. "Hi Scara." Childe fake smile at Scaramouche. "What do you want, idiot?!" Scaramouche said. "Can you help me babysitter our kids?" Childe asked. "HELL NO!!!" Scaramouche shouted. "AND WHY DO YOU HAVE TWO MORE CHILDREN?!" Scaramouche shouted again. "Pleaseee.... Aether and I have to buy some things..." "NO WAY I WIL-" Scaramouche is about to rejected them but then Childe said: "Thanks Scara, you're the best! Byeee!!" Childe said as he give Adrien and Amy to Scaramouche and leave with Aether.


"Uncle Scara!!" Andrew said. "I AM NOT YOUR UNCLE!!!" Scaramouche shouted. Andrew laughed. Adrien pull Scaramouche's hair. "Don't pulling my hair!!!" Scaramouche said. "......" Adrien started to cry.

*sniff sniff* (Adrien)
"Sh*t...no...." (Scara)
*crying* (Adrien)
"F*ck...." (Scara)
"F*ck!!!" (Andrew)
"Shut up brat!!" (Scara)
"Hahaha!!" (Andrew)
*crying* (Adrien)

"Ugh...noisy..." Scaramouche said with annoyed. "Oh, who do we have here?" Signora appeared. "Auntie Signora!!" Andrew said. "Andrew? Why are you here?" Signora asked. "Papa said she want to go buy something with Mama." Andrew said. "Oh, I see." Signora said while smiling. "You've grown big, hm." She said. Andrew smiled. Adrien is still crying. Aiden is hugging Signora's leg. Amy is staring at Scaramouche.

After some moments..

"Ugh..finally..." Scaramouche said. Adrien is now calmed. Adrien touch Scaramouche's hand with his little hand. "....." Scaramouche stares. Adrien fell asleep on Scaramouche's hand. (Sh*t.....why is he so cute.....) Scaramouche thought in his mind. On the other side of Signora, she is playing with Andrew. "Awww...I lost. " Signora said. "Yeay!! I win!!" Andrew said. Aiden hug Signora. "What's wrong?" Signora asked. "...?" Aiden gives a confused face. "Hmm..." Signora carry Aiden. "??" Aiden gives a confused face again. "Awww...what a cutie... Aiden right?" Signora said. Andrew nod his head. "....s..ig..n..or..a..." Aiden said. "Awwww...you can talk!!" Signora said and hug Aiden.

Amy keeps staring at Scaramouche. Scaramouche keep quiet and also stares at Amy. They look like having a staring competition. Amy touch Scaramouche's cheek. "What are you...." Scaramouche said but Amy smiled. (F*CK...WHY ARE THEY SO CUTE...) Scaramouche thought in his mind. "Hey, don't touch me or else I'll hit you...." Scaramouche said. Amy just giggle. (STOP!! I'M VERY CLOSE TO HAVE A HEART ATTACK!!) Scaramouche think in his mind. "...f..a...n...d...aw...o..." Amy said. (Did she said Fandango........" Scaramouche thought. "HEY LISTEN!! I-" Scaramouche was about to angry Amy but Amy already fell asleep.

"Oh...." Scaramouche sighed. "You're lucky you're cute......ugh.." He said.

After a few hours

"We're back!!!" Childe said. "Oh...Looks like they're having fun.." Childe smiled. Scaramouche is sleeping with Andrew, Adrien, Aiden and Amy. "Hm..." Aether said. "Good morning, Scaramouche *sshole!!" Childe said. "HUH?!" Scaramouche wake up. Scaramouche looked at them. "UH...WHAT TAKE YOU TWO SO LONG?!" Scaramouche shouted while blushing a bit. "Hehehe...you're having fun with them.." Childe tease Scaramouche. "SHUT UP!! HERE!!" He give Adrien to Childe. Andrew wake up. "Mama!! Papa!!" Andrew said. "Have you have a good time with Scaramouche?" Aether smiled. "Mhm!! And Signora too!!" Andrew said. "Oh, where is her now?" Childe asked. "She said..she is busy.." Andrew said. "Oh.." Childe said.

"Say Goodbye to Scara." Childe said. "Bye Uncle Scara!!" Andrew said. "STOP CALLING ME UNCLE!!" Scaramouche shouted. "Hehehe...you're a good uncle." Childe said. "YOU-" Scaramouche said. Childe carried Adrien and Amy and run away. "Aether, let's goo!!" Childe smiled at Aether who is carrying Aiden. Aether nod his head. "Alright, let's go home Andrew." Aether said. "Papa is going to cook fish." He said. "Eh? Me? I thought you said you cook it!!" Childe said. "But you're cooking are good. Hehe!" Aether said. "Hmm..alright fine.." Childe blushed a bit. They went back home.

"I guess being an uncle isn't that bad, is it....?" Scaramouche said himself. "It's not bad being an uncle." Signora said. "HAH?! SINCE WHEN ARE YOU HERE?!" Scaramouche shouted. "Me being an Auntie isn't that bad~" Signora said. "Ugh.." Scaramouche said.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2022 ⏰

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