Chapter 7- Justin

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"Hey," Ian taps me on the shoulder the next day after leaving fifth period. "I just got a text from Heather. She wants to meet up after school and she's bringing a friend. You down?"

Heather is the latest victim to fall for Ian's blue eyes. They've been talking for the past month and, surprisingly, he's still interested.

"Yeah, where at?"

He checks his phone. "Carol's Diner at four."

"Do I know the friend?" I asks, absently because I spot my new found interest walking ahead of us.

With her shoulders slightly curved forward and her arms hugging her books like they're precious tomes, Rayne gives me the impression that she would rather blend in with the walls never to be seen or heard.

I got to give it to her, the invisibility cloak she's rocking is working because the only info I gathered is that she moved here Freshman year.

Oh, and that little tid bit about her being a virgin.

A strange urge to escort her to the class like a trained bodyguard rises up when an underclassman passing by knocks against her. She quickly scrambles to keep her books from toppling to the floor and the POS doesn't even spare her a glance or apologize.

"Not sure."

As the dipshit approaches, Ian's answer barely registers. I side step into his path and shoulder check him. He bumps into his friend and bristles until he catches sight of me. Cocking a brow as a silent dare for him to say something, he wisely mumbles, "My bad", and continues on his merry little way.

"What did you say?" I ask, jumping back into the conversation.

Ian gives me a curious look before sliding his phone back into his pocket. "I said her name is Jade."

Jade. Jade. Her name doesn't ring a bell. The girls are seniors at Greenbrier so I'm pretty sure I've seen her around.

"Jade sounds like a stripper's name."

Ian chuckles. "Hopefully she'll look like one too."

After school, we drive fifteen minutes outside of Crestfield to Greenbrier territory in the town of Campbell. I park beside Ian's black Charger and followed him inside where we're greeted by an older lady behind the counter.

"Just the two of you boys today?"

"No ma'am, we're meeting someone." Ian points to the girls near the back already seated by the window. "Actually, I see them."

Heather waves when we approach the table. The girl I assume is Jade peers over her shoulder and smiles. It takes me a second to size her up and put her in the bad girl category.

She has platinum blonde hair with pink tips, brown eyes rimmed in black, and glossy lips the color of bubblegum. I guess most would consider her pretty but there's nothing special aside from her tits spilling out of her V-neck sweater.

"There you are." Heather greets. She reminds me of a sexy pixie the way her ears peeked out from her short reddish brown hair. The nose ring and falling star tattoo along the side of her hand gives her an edge that's Ian's weakness.

Taking off his jacket, he tosses it across the back of the seat and slides in next to her. Doing the same, I take the seat beside Jade who's giving me a heated once over. Apparently, I pass the test because her smile turns sultry.

"How you doing?" I hold out my hand. "Jade, right?"

"Right." She captures my hand and the contact lingers before long, manicured nails softly rake my palm.

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