The start (Edited)

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Eloise is my own character

Italics" - telepathic conversations or another language.

"normal" - normal dialogue between characters
4 years back
Prophecy by Merlin about the Four Founders of Hogwarts
Merlin, one of the greatest wizards to ever be known, made a prophecy concerning the Four Founders of Hogwarts. He proclaimed that during a time when great evil would be circulating throughout the entire world, the heirs of the Four Founders would come, possessing special abilities that no other wizarding kind could possess. Their goal would be to join forces and defeat the evil, forever ridding any other kind to come again. The four heirs would be recognized by three specific degrees:
1.) They are Elementals - meaning they can control the four main elements of the world; Earth, Water, Fire, and Air.
2.) They are Animagi - not ordinary Animagi, they are able to transform into highly powerful magical creatures.
3.) They have Special Powers - they posses special, extra- ordinary powers that are not normally seen in regular witches and wizards, i.e. Telepathy, Seeing.
Others powers would go along with the heirs but these are the main three that distinguish them from every other witch and wizard alive. The heir of Gryffindor would be stronger than the other three though, owing to the fact that Godric Gryffindor himself was extremely powerful. This heir could do more than the others and will be known as more of the leader of the four.
Although many still believe in this prophecy and wait for the day when the heirs of Godric Gryffindor, Rowena Ravenclaw, Helga Hufflepuff, and Salazar Slytherin will come and save them from evil, the prophecy has long been thought entirely unbelievable. It is now merely a legend that witches and wizards continue to pass down from age to age.

Hermione pov
Hermione sigh, feeling defeated but wanting to say something anyways "Ronald Weas-" her words stopped short as searing pain coursed through. Her body, Ron looked up at her suden stop of words and horror filled him when he saw Hermione
Hermione let out a horrible scream. She fell out of her chair and began writhing on the ground, clutching her head in a way Harry knew all to well. He clutched his own head like that whenever his scar burned. Her screams filled the Common Room and silence fell as everyone watched her in horror, too much in shock to move or help. An odd, bluish glow began to surround Hermione, her screams growing louder, the pain obviously increasing. She was shaking horribly, as if the Cruciatus Curse was being performed on her. The blue light around her increased to almost blinding and Harry and Ron covered their eyes. They were clueless as to what to do and both looked at each other in fear for their friend.

Eloise POV
For the first time in two days, Draco found himself in the Hospital Wing sitting by another person who was unconscious. This time though, instead of Hermione, the person was it was me, Eloise. He reached forward and grabbed her hand, rubbing his thumb lightly over her pale skin. He stared into her peaceful face, feeling a great weight settling into his chest.

Eloise was breathing softly at the moment. Her bright, long light brown hair contrasted sharply against her milky white skin and the starch white of the sheets. Her freckles stood out clearly on her skin. Her beight green eyes were closed and Draco wished desperately that she would wake up. He had been told by a few people that had been in the corridor with her when she collapsed what had happened. Many of them were in the Gryffindor Common Room when Hermione had collapsed so the similarities between the two had not gone unnoticed.

Eloise had apparently been walking down to the Great Hall with a group of her fifth year friends when she had suddenly gone rigid and very pale. Before her friends could react, she had fallen to the floor, screaming and clutching her head like Hermione had done. A yellow light had surrounded her until finally vanishing and revealing an unconscious Eloise. One girl had noticed something that Draco found to be very odd; the image of a badger had briefly shown above Eloise before disappearing.

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