Arrow Vs Flash

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-Insert Thawne and Maddie kissing-

Thawne:-kissses her more-

Maddie:-in between breaths-T-This I-is S-So G-Good

-When they clean up-

-He winks at her and speeds them to Star Labs-

-Maddie gigles-

-He smilies at her-

-They Enter The cortex and he is in his wheelchair

Dr Wells: Anger, Hate,Agression, These are some unique expressions

Maddie:Yeah,So how did it go when you entered the bank

Barry:It was a madhouse like everyone was trying to destroy themselves

Caitlin:Needless to say we might need help with this

-Felicity Steps In-

Felicity:And thats where i come in

Maddie:???? -pretend to not know who she is- Uh Who are You

Felicity:Oh Hi Maddie Barry speaks about you

Maddie:Oh He Does -looks at him with a smile-

Author Note: Nope Maddie does not hate barry,She just helps thawne okay so yeah.

Maddie:Imma go

-Later On-

Cisco:Maddie we need you

-she speeds it-


Cisco:Uh Barry might have been shot with the stuff

Maddie:HE WHAT

-speeds away-

Maddie:Barry Calm Down


Maddie (red eyes and disorted voice):CALM DOWN BOI


-he gets hit with an arrow-

Arrow:Hey, Thanks for helping

Maddie:No probelm

-They Fight and win-

-At Wells House-

Maddie:Thawne help..................


Maddie:Im bored

Thawne:Last time i did that u went into my suit

Maddie:Ayo sorry

Thawne:-he rolls his eyes- Whatever

Maddie:-sings while walking to her room-

If I was in Flash (Bk 1)Where stories live. Discover now