Grodd Lives

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Maddie woke up to the sound of Birds chirping and drips of water were heard,which made maddie speed out of her bed when Cisco was about to drop the water on her.

She then noticed she was not in her room and was in the Medbay in the cortex

Maddie:-confused-How did I get here

Caitlin:Well....We asked Barry to bring you here


Barry walked in with Lucy and Ember when Maddie said why?

Barry:We think that Thawne will go after us one by one so we have to be careful in our homes.

Cisco hears the meta human app

Cisco:This might distract us for now Barry!

Cisco:Central City Gold Reserve's under attack.

Barry:-confused- Gold? That's the case Singh wants us on.


 Barry:I'll be right back.

Maddie:What about m-

Barry sped out of the room before Maddie could even finish her sentence


Barry:What was that? 

Caitlin:Your eye movement is normal. No signs of neurological damage.

Lucy: Do you think the thief might have been a meta-human who put the whammie on you or something?

Barry: I... I don't know. 

Barry:When Rainbow Raider got in my head, all I felt was anger. But this was not that. This was just overwhelming fear.
 Cisco: Hmm. Looks like when you went down, the thief got disoriented too. 

Barry:Maybe we both got whammied.

Iris walked into the medbay

Iris: Then you know how it feels. 

[dramatic music] 

Iris:Hi, Barry. Or should I say The Flash?

Iris and Barry went into a place they can talk

Cisco: This is one of the few times I would not want to be Barry Allen. 

Maddie:I wonder what he's gonna say. 

Caitlin:We should absolutely not listen in. 

Ember:It's none of our business. 

Cisco:But The Flash is our business.

Caitlin: And Iris did just find out that Barry's The Flash.

Cisco: So by transitive property, Barry and Iris are our business.

 [dramatic music]

Barry: I... Wait. How did you find out?

 Iris:When I touched The Flash the other night, I felt a jolt of electricity. The only other time I have ever felt anything like that was when you were in a coma after the accident.


Iris: I can't believe I didn't figure it out sooner.

 Barry:I can only imagine how angry you are. 

Iris:I'm not angry, Barry. I'm just disappointed.

Maddie stopped watching and walked down to the particle acclerator and then the hatch seeing Eo walking on the tube and Eddie stressed

Maddie carefully walked into there though Eddie was sleeping and hugged Eo and pecked him.But!Eo kissed her on her lips and she kissed back


Maddie:Love ya!

Maddie walked back up,glancing at Eddie and Eo,he winked at her then she went upstairs making sure to close the hatch

Maddie went back to the Cortex seeing it messed up as everyone was running around

Maddie:What is happening...

Barry turns and sees her and flashed everything back to place

Barry:Phew...We found you


Barry:Uhm Nothing...

Later On

Maddie was with Barry,Joe and Cisco as they were searching for some work men

Maddie:Are you sure we should look here


The Continued talking as Cisco drops things so they know their was back but then Grodd came out of nowhere and snatched Joe


Grodd looks at Maddie and snatched her,making her yelp and Grodd walks away with both of them dropping Joe somewhere while he keeps Maddie with him

Maddie:Okay -she petted Grodd

Grodd dropped her down which she landed face to Eo who hugged her

Maddie:You were here?

Eo:Yes ~smirks~

Maddie:God your hot when you smirk

Eo: Oh Am I dear?~kisses her passionately~

After Some Make Out Time

Maddie left to S.T.A.R Labs and saw Joe safe and sound 

Barry:We were worried where were you?

Maddie:Uhm so Grodd took me and thats all 


Maddie:~looks over and gets worried~WHAT HAPPENED

Joe:I got injured but its okay

Maddie:No Its Not!

Joe:~lies down~

(Ending it here cuz I can UvU the rest is the normal script cuz Maddie goes hom and Ember and Lucy goes home!)

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