Chapter 9: Meeting Myori...

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Saori pov:

"father! your was the meeting" I quickly put down the laundry i was hanging with mother. As i ran up he had a look on his face.

"Reika..i..dont think shes truly gone.." he gazed right to me. "as we were discussing Sion and i were heading back thinking on how to fix things..and help out where we can to stop we were heading back we walked by Lady Reiyah and her companion she had blue hair like to what they were discussing it was serious as her mood was truly down..other one looked like she wanted to cry..though she has green eyes her hair reminded me of how much i missed Reika, that and how hard headed she was..theres no way shed fall..most likely survive but barely." father smiled for the first real time in awhile. "i have hope shes alive"

" can you have hope when a body was found! shes dead and me not feeling the twin bond proves it! get over it and open your eyes!" i yelled my emotions riled up.

"Saori! enough let dad think what he wants beside mother and i agree with him she was strong minded and strong at heart she would never fall its not in her nature..she out there living her life..let her" Shitoria came outside crossing her arms while wearing her new kimono " tonight ill do night watch with Reiyah rest id like to get to know her more" Sis smiled and headed out.

"but..but.." i ran into the house slamming the door going to my room. "shes dead theres no way.." i wanted to deny their words but yet something felt right about it.."ill let them keep this fantasy up, go along with it till truth hits hard on them"

Reiyahs pov:

Once we reached the gate i took my wig off and felt the braid Saiko put within my hair. Leaving it down, i changed and walked into town to test her theory.

"wow shes pretty..reminds me of someone.."

"agreed..but who?"

"oh my where did that beauty come from?"

in that moment i realized no one knew..i was contacts and blue hair..i was free i felt more like me in town then the Reiyah persona i play constantly. i smiled and headed to talk to someone id rather not..knowing how to locate him was if he recalls me then ill have my words to speak..

"Um Lady can we speak.." a voice suddenly appeared. ...Aoi "Aoi was it? please do not bother me.." i couldn't face him in this form and i dont even know why...

"yes but its about you know who.." he spoke quietly.

"hmm you have my attention..speak" i turned around meeting his gaze..though his face went into shock. "something wrong?" i tilted my head confused " This is my ria nashi look sorry if ive shocked you.."

"no problem you look just like her..reika but even if you were youd remember some how may it be through song or words" he sighed "In this form you look alot better that wig suits you." he then lead the way as we walked.

"pfft whatever its just a look i have that i dont show often.." rolling my eyes i cant help but feel amused and at ease. This walking like this feels natural.."Also what right do you have to compliment me..?"

"well i am a hairdresser so..when i see great work and style cant help but admit it to the one whose hair is well done. now be open with me..You mentioned a your nightmare and how thats why you want to attack Myori?" Aoi gazed up while his arm rests crossed.

"well of course i mentioned a fire..i was in it and when i tried to yell for help..i couldn't..i used every ounce of energy i had left i refused to die there..i wanted to live no matter the consequence.. i had to live to make him pay.." i sighed clenching my kimono sleeve.." you have no reason to trust i wont over do it..and if i do well then make sure i perish with those ive wronged..or even punishment so i can still be with those i care for." i glanced over to find him in shock to my words. "did i speak error" i glanced annoyed.

"no once spoke of only revenge now it seems youve found reason.. this change whats caused it?" Aoi finally spoke while keeping his gaze on me.

"i..i..honestly do not know.." i looked away hiding the sad look upon my eyes. "plus if i did you wouldn't understand"

"true..i dont know your pain..your suffering or loss but i do understand losing someone you care for." He sighed then tried to cheer up

"Niko..his son died on the ship..hes been angry since Reika told me this.. i never let her come to protect her..i knew of her watching from afar..i atleast let her do that then suddenly it got to i banned her..from it..she got angry at me and went and disappeared.." He looked very closely at me "you remind me of her with your strong will..thats all but to get down to business those crates one of them Sion was able to get ahold of..were checking them now to see why..and whats all there. if youd like to come you can but you dont have to. just want you to know..please be well fair lady..also Shitoria is going with you tonight on night watch" Aoi waved goodbye and headed off

"this may be my only lead..ill go but what he really doesnt add up why he'd say that..she vanished and comparing me to her? what sence does that make" Questioning his plot i continued my way..he knows some kind of hint..has clues to my old life. in that moment i turned around and froze paralyzed in a single moment "my..Myori.." trembling i clenched my fists..and wanted to attack but somehow i managed to calm down keeping my composure yet fear consumes me.

"Ria nashi? you must be i hear alot about you." Myoris words spoke.

"that i am, seems im quite well know here. i came to visit this lovely town" i managed to smile and soften my eyes. In hopes to fool him i gotta stay calm "Singers need a vacation now and then. so may i ask how you know of me?" puting my hands together i smiled and gazed out to the sea "its nice view dont you agree"

"...that scar on your eye? where you get it?" he pointed to it. then smirked "well tell me or ill have to assume your one of them rosewood ninjas coming to kill me"

"oh my! um you see its kinda embarrassing how i got it..i was arguing with a ex who i was seeing at the time trying to reason with him but he hit me.. and then as i was trying to get away i didnt see the tree branch in from of me and managed to scratch my eye. it was one of those thorn bushes" i looked down uneasy, holding my arm as if it occurred.

"i see im sorry..for assuming. this ex of your should be killed for hurting a woman..mind if i ask his name?" Myori asked suddenly softening up

"well Mikoru sir..he ran and escaped i dont know where he is now" Meeting his gaze i planted fake tears forgive me.

"Ria no worries if i see him ill make sure to give him a piece of mind" Myori smiled and continued his way "have a good day mi lady ria"

"thank you mi lord!" i waves smiling back. as he vanished suddenly my body felt weak and my vision blurred ""

"Rei!" i heard a voice yell as i fainted.

to be continued...

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