Chapter 7: Reias Redemption and Meeting

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Reia's pov

The day started well, i was wondering around town..enjoying myself..thinking back to the days i was younger there's one place i liked uncle Aoi's as Reika was always inviting me over to have all the fun i could have..she plotted..planned and broke more rules then could be explained...Kinshiro was always warning Aoi to get her under control but no one ever could..she was ruthless in her attempt to prove her will and strength and use..always trying to show she was wise..but that got her going overseas near death...i can't tell a word of the tail but i remember that day clearly and so well..

Flash Back:

"Reika..what do you do now?" I sighed as I sat next to her outside her house while she was in time out.

"I tried to prove father wrong..that Myori was up to something...shows him a item he smuggled..he got angry gave it to kinshiro who told me off and said if i didn't stop id be under constant watch always..its pathetic they don't believe me that myori is after the people..he wants payback for nikos death...he wants to destroy edo..and yet i have to sit back and let the adults handle this? All because I'm still young..and have a life to live..telling me revenge isn't the way..revenge will always be the way anyone who hurts my friends or family will pay..." she glared at me with anger in her eyes and a new darkness i've never seen before.

"He's right...let the adults handle it..rei you know all too well the risk it is to be know it means to put your life on the line..and if you were to fall young how would you think we all would feel?" i spat out defending uncle Aoi

"Oh whatever, I'd rather die killing the man who is hurting the town" she got even more mad.

"What if you fail!? Huh and die? Who would save us!?" I yelled as tears fell. "Whatever do what you want I'm done trying to reason with you and your as you please and when you fall it's all on you i'm not helping you.." i got up and stormed off...told father everything when i met up with him he sighed and hugged me..telling me "if she is to fall at least save her enough for her to learn from near death and if you can't tell us then that's okay i love you always Reia" his support meant alot to me"
*flash back ends*

Looking to the courtyard I could see Saori there paying respects to Reika's grave.

"Hey Saori..where's uncle?" I asked as I walked up to her and paid my respects as well.

"He mentioned a meeting at the tea house with a blue lotus?" she sighed "not that it matters today being what today is..the day we lost Reika.." she pouted. "I'm going inside, goodbye Reia, enjoy your day and family" she slammed the door and vanished..

For her to be rude anymore says a lot..she loved her twin..and lost her twin..sometimes i wonder if she can feel reika could be possibly alive..whatever i won't ask.i'll just head to the tea i arrived i sat next to my father who raised an eye to me, i smiled to show him im okay..but not much to say.

"Boy you have a lot of explaining to do" I heard uncle Soji spat out angrily.

"Yeah so what..there's more important things to do then argue.." Toru crossed his arms..

Uncle Aoi glared towards Toru whom seemed to already be in a mood then want to be here to see us..this hurts i was close to Toru too!

"hi uncle Aoi.." He looked over with no reaction really.

"emotionless? why have you appeared now?" Uncle Aoi glared raising his eyebrow while crossing his arms

"because Rei needs me..she's my captain, my leader. i have something to report to her.." Toru looked to her, her eyes peak interest but didnt react much.

"speak toru, what have you heard and make it accurate and detailed enough to understand it" her eyes glued to Toru, arms crossed Lady Reiyah stares at him like a cat who spots their food laying still waiting to pounce.

"May you at least tell me why you never came home?" Toru's mother asked with a sweet voice glaring at uncle Aoi. interrupting Lady Reiyah whom now looks annoyed.

"Because I wanted to stay with lady Reiyah who is a great leader..and grand captain..not only that since being hurt i chose to stay and learn the ways there where i didn't have a nagging father!" he shouted

"Toru enough..calm we have business" lady reiyah closed her eyes and her calm demeanor changed to a dark one. "What is so important that you needed to tell me that you would be willing to sneak onto his ship and come home the place you avoid the most?" Lady Reiyah raised her eyebrow her moon completely changed

Toru gazed to her nodding "well he has crates of some kind of goods..dont know what yet..but its bad he was talking about war and blaming others and how edo killed someone dear to him..also a blue haired ninja who stopped him.." Toru sighed running his hand through his hair.. "What can we do with his smuggling captain?" he looked to with an admiration.

Lady Reiyah crossing her arms thinking..tapping her chin..then looked up watching everyone "well how to approach his smuggling..that depends on if you can agree with our methods but if no one can reason with me or any of my group then we'll be at he has hurt people so he must go down, no matter if it takes my life.." Lady Reiyah crossed her arms "do not disobey or over speak to me any of you okay, that means you raige.." she glared at someone in a corner or rolled their eyes.

"Whatever, dont long as the job gets done blue" he crossed his arms and came over sitting down.

"Thank you.." she sighed "now to speak of matters first the old school many survived it to tell the tale" she sat down with a serious tone.

"Hmm a few..only one who got injured was Anula..she refuses to speak of what she saw..also the fact poor Reika died is another sorrow..todays the anniversary where people can visit the place.." Auntie spoke up

"Dear please not now.."uncle Aoi looked at his sad eyes with an ache knowing what today is.

Father turned to me then sighed and whispered "i me if i could tell them i would..i know what your hiding i was watching you the entire time..proud you stood your ground..but the deal you made would only anger don't speak till she returns..i have a feeling she has..and who it is but cant confirm with one with no memory" he points to Reiyah

"Do you suspect it? As do i father..but if it is her how can i hint it" i sighed

"Tell her the tale of reika that you know of the girl of deceit and lies that may bring something back..tell her everything she mention about myori...and you told me that i told Aoi after she perished" he patted my head

I smiled and hugged him and the meeting went on as much was spoken about regarding the weapons..and the many odd items he was smuggling..Lady Reiyah was on point and direct as a good leader would be. Her group agreed and headed to their place of stay..i stayed in the tea house sulking missing Reika...hoping that lady Reiyah is her. Meanwhile Lady reiyah stayed..just sitting in her spot thinking..wonder whats on her mind..?

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