Chapter 5: Questions and Clues

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Reias pov:
Life was so great back then, even when Senji came around. Senji is sojis son who was born a year before me. He met this woman after saving her, her name was Yao she was pregnant at the time and extremely ill. When she gave birth she died, leaving her son all alone with no parent. Soji didnt have to but he did, adopted Senji and even gave him his deceased fathers name. Ive known him all my life but since the fire i havent spoken to him much since black night..i sigh and walk only to see Lady Reiyah Approaching Senji.

"hmmm curious"

Reiyah pov

"Greetings, im free now to speak if you are free" i walked up to Senji and just stood there.

Senji Turned around and gazed at me.
I could tell by the look on his face that he was expecting me today.

"why of course i am, just had a few questions to your recent trespass on school grounds" He spoke smirking

"I was curious..wanted to see more i am really sorry..." I spoke with such guilt, hoping to get away with sneaking around.

"uh huh sure you are, but ill let it slip just once" he gazed to the street then back to me " How is your house, anything bothering you?"

"No, the house is fine." I slowly Lowered  my voice.

"Okay, we can chat at my place. Let's head that way now. I still live with my father. So dont be too suprised if there's swords laying around. " he smiled then winked to me.

"Sir, why you looking at me like that" I was curious.

" nothing.. Just your beautiful. That blonde hair must be really hard to keep well taken care of. We can stop by my uncle Aoi's later to have him put it up. " he blushed embarresed.

"Thank you, I make sure to take care of it. I axcually put my own hair up. I am a hairstylist too. My own hairstylist, it's really cool to do hair." I felt admired

"'ve grown up in a nice place then, especially since your from do know I am like you right?" He grinned.

"You are? Did your father train you?" I spat back.

"How'd you guess." He laughed "you know I had a friend once who would never listen to rules. Always doing it for the people not thinking bout how she was putting us at risk. Her consequence must have been near death, I do not believe she died, I believe reia and Naraine have something to do with her disappearance. They don't want to admit it but I've got my suspcion." He gazed towards the tea house. "This is where we live come in"

"Lady Reiyah, nice to see you again. I see you've located Senji." Sion said grinning. "Senji she is quite the catch" he then gazed to me and whispered in my ear "I know your hiding a secret.. And I know you snuck out to a forbidden place" with that he walked away.

I froze and felt my breathing stop, those words... How...I was in shock. I was losing it...shoot...I need to get it together.
"sir, its no secret they know..i was careless visiting i am sorry" i bowed before Sion..he is a clever one gotta be careful.

Senji looked to me then sighed " he is always like that"

"It's okay.." My heart was racing, I am in trouble. Need to make him lose track of me. Need to be able to sneak around without them watching.

We arrived at his room and sat and chatted for an hour. Tonight I'm going to look around and scan places. He might be... But I fear anymore sneaking will ruin this freedom. Can I trust sion? I need to go to him... Maybe he will understand... I hope so.... Knowing him he will be doing a night watch... This is my one chance. I took off the blonde wig and my black hair with blue tips. I put it up in a pony tail and then my black outfit. To hold my hair up, I put in my hairpin. I got from my dad with my name engraved... I sharpened it to use as a weapon. Put black paint around my eyes.

" okay let's go! " I leaped into the night , searching and scanning. I dye my top half black for reasons. It'll fade for it's not permemnant only washout dye.

"Young lady..." Sions voice appeared "searching for someone"

I turned to see him looking at me in his ninja outfit along with sojiro and Aoi.

"Yes, you.. I need to discus with you about earlier..." My cold blue gaze just beemed in the night.

"Understood, your hairs black with blue?" He questioned.

"It is at night, this is a wig my hair is blonde, these are contacts i wear to disguise myself " I grinned

"Later sion, we have to get this job done... Hey wanna help since your out and about? " sojiro asked.

"Nah I'm on my own mission, maybe later" I quickly vannished in a flash.

As I was scanning I saw him, froze i hid watching hoping for clues. i saw people all around piling crates in. Each crate unique, i glanced to myori and gritted my teeth. nothing i can do at all..but watch. I so bad wanna kill him.
I watched him till he left. I can't make a move yet, have to wait and be patient. Sion and them sat watching too i could sense them from a distance, why there helping me I have no idea but it's nice to have the support.
At last i headed home, hopped in my wondow, took down my hair washed all the stink off. my long blue hair now lays flat, it goes to my shoulders, used to be alot longer. i put it up in a bun after brushing it. then headed down stairs sitting on the couch reading a book.

"well no wig? im surprised" i could hear blades smart remark.

"well its sharp enough to bite what attacks" i chuckled

"oooo im scared of the Rei" he laughed "get some rest please? you need it"

"fine" i glared and watched his movement as i went upstairs "night!"

i laid in bed, just still lost in thought..what was myori up to?? why so many crates..there's something thats not adding really is bother some...i sat there till eventually i was able to rest.

to be continued

is sion onto her main goal?

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