Chapter 10: Aoi's Concern and Truth Revealed..

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Aoi's pov:

As i was heading to meet up with Sion i happened to turn around to notice Reiyah talking to Myori at first her eyes looked as if she saw a ghost..then she surprised me by hiding the fact she was terrified. As i watched them finished their conversation i notice her about to faint. as i was about to run over someone came out from behind  some buildings catching her in his arms..his red hair lay flat upon his face..he put his hand on her forehead..then looked as if he was relieved.

"Is she okay?" as i approached them.

"yes she is sir Aoi..i never introduced myself im blade Rei's Best friend..shes just fainted from something i dont know what.." He gazed worried yet his eyes said different.

"i know a place i can have her looked at..we have a doctor his name is Wakasa" I gazed to Reiyah..her pale look said all..Fear "does she fear anyone by any chance..?"

Blades reaction suddenly said all..his eyes locked to me and face went with worry "Her nightmares..more then anything..but what eases her well that i know" Blade sighed then sang a song. one i knew..all to well the twins songs...was this girl Reika!?

"Blade that you know it?" i glanced to him with the look of ache yet hope in my eyes.

"Rei..i learned it from her..she sings it all the time has for years..when shed feel alone..sick..when she cant comforts her and is her only key to understanding her she says 'Its my key to finding my family' she never goes a day or more without singing it before bed..." blade smiled "its her hope" as he picks her up "i know where that is ill walk with you though"

"thank you..shes Reika isnt she..thats my song i sang to her.." I wiped away the tears of relief holding back all i could to carry her..

"she is...few of us know..Toru knows..i know..and well theres another party i cant speak of out of respect...dont tell her..let her learn on her own.." Blade Held her tight like she was his world that made me happy.

"i Toru knew but never said now i know why he protect Reika..hes loyal indeed.." sighing i gaze over "you love her dont you?" i smiled

"Yes sir i do..shes my everything..i will always protect her even through her past errors of misjudgment..and even when shes at her worst..Rei is my soulmate.."Blades green eyes lit up and his smile became pure "but shell never know as her heart knows no such emotions only darkness..if you are her father then help me heal her wounded soul." blade stoped with pleading eyes.

As i nodded he handed her to me and went off to seek someone out..looking down at my fainted daughter it all makes sense now why i keep gazing and watching her..why i felt so natural talking, walking at her side...Reika have you truly forgotten everything...

To be continued....

What will happen now that Aoi knows..will he help her recall all shes lost?

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