Library event

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I had a headache all night. The situation has worsened by the fact that I never closed my eyes. Dawn was slowly dawning. It was seven o'clock that I knew there was no longer a chance of getting the required amount of rest. At the time, I still didn't know what miraculous event was about to happen. As usual, I took the car keys and headed to work. I am a librarian in a library in the quietest part of the city. Drinking coffee among the high shelves full of books awakens a pleasant feeling of bliss in me.

These days I am disappointed in life. There is a pandemic in the world, people are out of their minds, and it all affects me terribly. How I wish I could live in a more carefree time! I am unsuccessfully trying to forget what kind of world I live in. I want ordinary phones, jeans, good music, and empathetic people. I wonder why we have become so alienated. If only I could fall asleep and wake up somewhere far from everyone I know, somewhere where people are still not slaves to technology and where people play and sing out loud.

I was sitting peacefully reading A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens when the door opened on its own and a breath of cold wind entered the room.

- Who is this? - I asked in surprise. 

- Good afternoon, miss - replied an elderly lady.

The lady exuded elegance with a black cloak and a big hat with a bow. Her eyes were warm and soft and somehow strangely familiar.

- May I help you - I asked. 

- I Need A Christmas Carol.

- No problem, I was finishing it when you came in.

- Wasn't that a sign? Do you believe in the magic of Christmas, miss? 

- Not really. Look at the world around us. If there was any magic, wouldn't everything be better?

The old lady nodded in sympathy with what I had just said.

- Take this and merry Christmas, miss! - she said, handing me a small red box. 

- Merry Christmas to you too. What's inside?

- You'll find out on Christmas Eve. Then open it when you go to bed.

I looked in the box. 

- But ma'am - I looked up and realized she was already gone.

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