Hey, Roommate.

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College, the very definition of excited nervousness in a physical form.

Yet within the bustling crowds of greenies- the feeling of overwhelming dread and fear remained imminent.

'You're going to love this place,' Karl's voice beamed over Alex's tense shoulders. Gratefully, however, his enthusiasm is much needed. Meeting new people can be frightening.

Greetings get exchanged between whimsical stories of tell-tale adventures and Alex found himself beginning to relax. The tug he had the sleeves of his sweatshirt loosened and he'd find himself leaning against Karl as he laughed.

 Karl helped Alex unload the rest of his boxes as the movers began tugging away the trolley. Alex and Karl exchange a simple hug as Karl parted ways after to go spend the evening with newfound friends.

Alex was invited of course, but he declined, he had much to unpack. 

Without much thought, he moved backward, with both hands digging into his jean pockets in search of his phone. Though usually, he'd never failed to be good at maneuvering around, evidently everyone has off days.

'Shit sorry,' Alex bumped against something, the sharp of his elbow flinched and it caused the other person to groan at the pressure, hastily Alex tried to move but having tripped over his own feet the momentum took both of them down.

Alex muttered apologies as both of them struggled back on their feet and- god.

He's massive.

'Sorry, I wasn't looking where I was walking,' his voice was gruff and tinted with an accent that tickled the curious interest of adventure-seekers. 

He shrugged off the brunt of the fall, ducking to retrieve discarded files and his grunge-looking bookbag.

'Have a good day,' he managed a polite nod as he walked past Alex. Alex would've replied but the failure of his nerves made him simply hum. 

Damn- Alex found himself scoffing.

First day's huh?

'Will!' George beamed from across the field. He had matched Will's look today, tan jumper and dark blue dress pants. His embellished bag dazzled with his collection of pins and custom-made enamels.

'Hey, I heard you already moved into the dorms last week. Is that true? I was going to ask you to move in with us.' George pouted to himself. 

George. Where should Will even begin?

They go way back from middle school, they were each other's first kiss in a game of spin-the-bottle, they were crowned Prom King and King when they graduated and were getting drunk together when they got the news they were accepted into the same university.

'George, you know I don't really know your friends,' Will nudged at him as he sat on the grass. The field was crowded, full of groups of orientation ice-breakers and old friends meeting anew.

'Well if you ever reconsider,' George managed a huff as he met Will's tired eyes, '-my door is always open.'

'You're too sweet, Gogs.'

'Oh shut up,' George rolled his eyes at him, catching sight of Will's frenzy of paper as he unloaded them from his hold.

'Didn't pack?' Will shook his head.

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