3:45 AM

615 17 5

'Okay, that's A,' Luke muttered under his breath when he strummed against metal coils.

He's pretty good, Alex heard himself think.

'That' the, G- spot?'

Maybe not, Alex quickly realized.

'That was an E,' Alex leaned over his shoulders, feeling Luke's body shrink between his arms to accommodate. 

'There, that's G,' Alex repeated with a nod to himself, '-also stop saying spot, it's a chord.'

'Same thing.'

'Not really.' Luke mock Alex's words and earned a cascade of tickles.

After the end of the first year, came the summer break.

Will left to go back home to England, explaining he wasn't traveling alone but rather with a friend from the university as well.

'Weird,' Alex remembered muttering out loud, sitting on Will's bed as he watched the Brit pack.

'What's wrong?' Will huffed, closing shut his slightly too-full luggage.

'I've never seen you with your friend,' the Brit met his eyes with a curious glance.

'Aw, Quackity,' he spoke in a singsong voice, '-you going to miss me?'

Alex threw a shoe at him.

Turns out pretty much everyone around him was traveling.

Karl was going back home to LA, Clay was visiting family in Florida and Nick left for Texas the week after semester results were released. Alex, originally planning to fly back to Mexico, unfortunately, had to cancel when he learned his parents were busy overseas. Alex tried to get in contact with his brother, but upon swiping over his recent stories on Instagram- Alex quickly learned he was out on a road trip with friends.

'You could always come along,' Alex had to remind himself to blink when he stared at Will.

Alex drove Will to the airport and sat with him until his flight was finally ready for boarding.

'There are some later flights this coming week,' Will stood up, watching the line of passengers due to board, '-you can live with me. I've booked an Airbnb.'

'It's fine, Will,' Alex patted at his shoulder, although unsure, the Brit followed along as they walked towards the line.

'I'll be fine alone,' Alex said as they two shared a hug. Will gave him a nod and disappeared behind the partition that connected the plane to the boarding hall.

Well, not fully alone.

Luke grew to learn of Alex's state.

'Hol' up,' Luke raised his hand in pause, '-you don't have a place to stay?'

'Well, I have about a week. The dorm manager is on leave which means I can't notify her that there's a change in a plan,' Alex explained over their shared brunch in a French cafe.

'I've got a week to find a place for a few months,' Alex sighed, the bagel in his mouth going sour, '-imagine the rent fees, dude.'

'It'll be zero,' Luke spoke across the table, '-just live with me.'

'Really?' Alex stared.

'One condition,' Luke raised his fork, smirking with it stuck between his teeth, '-free guitar lessons.'

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