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'That's it?' If George wanted to announce his confusion, Will was sure the entire cafeteria heard them.

'Yes, also keep your voice down,' George opened his mouth to speak and Will stuffed chips into his face.

That night after the two had a clash, Will spoke to Alex.

In fact, turns out that both of them wanted to talk it out. Alex explained that the dare really was a spur-of-the-moment decision and he really was sorry for having ghosted Will for a week after that. Will watched as he chew on his nails when he explained that he honestly was a bit embarrassed considering, well- Will was close to him.

Will sat with his head in his hands when Alex finally returned his forgotten memory for the night before. Will felt the blood thumping in his ears and Alex was no less in the same heat of shyness.

'So,' Alex cupped the back of his neck, a move Will memorized as his nervousness.

'-last night, you got dumped?' Will managed a laugh, only Alex could make something so painful considerably funny.

'No, I visited her yesterday and caught her cheating,' Will paused to wet his lips, '-I dumped her.'

'Is that why you said that?' Will found concern in Alex's eyes as his hand fell to his folded legs on the bed across Will's.

'Said- what, exactly?'

Alex hesitated but eventually shook it off, '-pretend. "Can't you pretend to like me?", was what you said.'

Will's mind went blank and he stared at the Mexican.


'You seem happy,' a familiar voice leaned over Alex's shoulder from over the party music.

'Luke,' Alex announced as he turned around. The other man raised his red solo.

Luke threw a house-warming party and since Alex had nowhere else to be, he showed. The two retreated to his balcony, where after shooing away a couple, they had all to themselves. Night-lights and starless skies, a scenery Alex could never really get over loving and hating. The two shared idle conversation until Karl came looking for them- ushered them in for a game.

'Alright, this one's easy,' Tina explained as they all sat down over the couch, she held a small bowl in her hands.

Those with car keys were to put them in the bowl and those without would have to randomly select. Whoever's keys you chose you have to spend the night together. It was bait. College people all want some easy sex.

Karl and Clay handled dealing the game out as they were the only standing couple.

Alex fished for his keys and tossed them into the bowl alongside the others and after over a dozen keys were collected they were asked to squeeze into the kitchen for those without to pick. When they were invited back in; Karl's eyes seemed to be glinting.

See Alex's key was special, it wasn't a different shape or anything- it had a small ornament that was actually engineered by the same students that designed his dorm door. A small guitar keychain.

He entered the living room and searched amongst those who held car keys. There it was.

'For fuck sake,' Nick cursed jokingly when they made eye contact.

Alex shared a hearty laugh as he let Nick drop his keys back into his hands, '-hey Sap.'

Open-mics were Will's guilty pleasure. That, and hopping beds of any female that interested for a good-enough 20 minutes.

George said Clay's brother was holding a party and turns out Alex was there. Though he rarely posts of himself, it was clear his phone was taken from him and several somewhat suggestive stories could be found on his Instagram. Will left a "looking good king" message and shut his phone off after that.

Will finished early even skipped the back-alley blowjob a guy offered him and paid for his drinks.

Checking his notifications, Will got news.

[GOrGS] have to cancel tonight, I've got a link.

[-] stay safe.

[GOrGS] you too

With nothing else to do and failed sleepover plans- Will went home.

Tongue- Nick was all about tongue.

'Sap-' Alex's words came out rasped, alcohol burning his vocal cords each time tried to speak.

Nick was here, Nick was real and somehow the Mexican had to remind himself of that fact. It was all jokes, the shared drinks after the game ended, and the slow leaving of the matched pairing. Alex was almost sure he saw Luke going down on a girl right on the kitchen counter or maybe that was Karl and Clay making out over the sink.

Whatever it was, it didn't compare to the attention Nick was giving him. He had a habit of running his fingers under the lifted fabric of his button-up, teething after suckling on his neck.

Much like Will.

'Shit, you smell good.' Alex grunted, pushing the odd memory of his mind. Alex walked them backward and stumbled carrying the weight of the Texan.

A fumble landed them on Will's bed instead of Alex's- though after feeling much-needed friction land against him, he quickly forgets it.

Nick's knees get caught between the brunet's legs and he doesn't spare him mercy in manhandling him higher up the bed.

'You're like in heat,' Alex found a fight in him even Nick had him pinned.

'What about you? Acting all shy?' Nick wasn't lying. Alex was acting coy, in fact, he'd been barely holding back much of his gasps each time Nick's knee moved even slightly.

'I've got a roommate,' Alex found an excuse.

'Let's give him a show then.'

'Sap, no-'

'No please do,' a voice emerged shattering the environment. Adrenaline gushed to the Mexican's fingertips as he tried to sit up, Nick simply looked over his shoulder.

Will stood leaning against a wall, with a smile.

'I'd like to see if you'd care to indulge me.'

Nick, clearly out of his mind, '-gladly.'

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