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Alex would go to learn a lot about Will. 

Learn that like himself- Will had an ear for music. After the end of terms, they'd come back home to drop off their bags and run to the nearest karaoke and sing until the AM's. 

The two pondered over it for a long time but eventually settled on designing their door with workable guitar strings. After a week-long debate over nylon or steel strings- they eventually settled for nylon.

The look that the engineering students gave the two was equal to a mix of amusement and joy. Seemed like making a door-guitar was much better than finishing their term projects.

Alex would also learn that Will enjoyed songwriting and on the off chances that Alex didn't have early classes he'd wake up to a shirtless and back view of Will sitting cross-legged at his desk, mindlessly strumming chords to lyrics that Alex could only makeout as break-up songs.

Cheesy, of course- but Alex did catch himself almost emotional from one of his songs. Although Will never discussed his songs and such, the off-hand compliments Alex gave would often land on him with a wide grin.

'Earth to Will?' George waved his fries in front of the lost brunet. 

Will managed to dodge when a drop of sauce nearly landed on his jumper. 

'Sorry,' Will rubbed at the back of his neck, '-I was up a little early.'

'Exams?' Will shook his head reaching forward for George to place a fry between his teeth.

'Writing.' George hummed.

George although in a completely different field from Will, never wasted a second to meet with him on their scheduled lunch dates. Often times he'd find that George would have tagged him on IG never fully addressing him but more the cuisine of the day. Will would return the favor by posting a rather oddly angled photo of his friend with "cute date" over his head.

Speaking of IG, his DM's were packed. Ever since Alex leaked a photo of him, shirtless- he's been nothing but the center of attention. From parties to self-made bands, everyone wanted something to do with him. Of course, Will never put it over Alex's head- he did look good in the photo after all.

But Will always wondered.

There would be days he'd arrived back at the dorm barely able to take off his flannel and he'd collapse into the nearest object only to wake up on Alex's bed instead of his with a glass of water and hangover pills left for him by the bedside table.

Will had a reputation of course. He was smart and handsome. His invitation list was full from the moment he wandered around George's halls and got hit on just about every above-average-looking female and male-alike.

George would annoyingly try to convince Will to come along, begging for him to finally cave in and go to a frat party instead of playing at open mic bars and getting paid in drinks and sleazy conversations. 

Maybe one of these days he might take George on his offer and find himself a college frat party. But the invitation never came; so he never really considered it happening.

Karl was hopelessly in love. Alex could tell from the flush of red that painted his cheeks and ears whenever the blond named Clay would laugh in his direction.

Alex had no classes and so decided to visit Karl's place. It was a simple loft apartment, cozy and comfy.

Alex would learn about Karl's roommates: Clay, Nick, and George. Though he's met Clay and Nick- both of which were found tossing back and forth curses as they fussed over some code and George was almost never at home each time Alex went over.

Karl would explain that George was always out meeting his own friends and Alex never held anything against him. Though he had a hunch that this "George" might just be the "Dave" Will always talks about or is seen with tagged on Instagram- yet, Alex left it as a speculation.

Days spent with Karl were slow, yet filling. He'd find Karl's mumbling almost similar to the strum of Will's acoustic. Silently he shunned himself for only really being around Karl to mimic the calm he felt at his dorm, though he still enjoyed Karl's company.

 'There's a party next week,' Clay arrived from the second floor, leaning over the barring.

Karl had rolled himself over Alex from where they laid on the carpet flooring, '-your point?'

'It's Tina's party,' Clay announced flatly with a raise to his eyebrow.

Tina, the college diva. Alex had only met her once. Karl was barely able to hold back his laugh when Tina dropped a very drunk Nick back home. Despite the title, she was kind and full of personality.

'Dude,' Nick who was laying on the couch, began to stir, '- right before the Fall?'

The Fall, a name coined by the student body to describe the exam month- when teachers and students alike fall into a slug-like state as they muscle through late submissions and burnt midnight oil.

'It's Tina,' Karl giggled, Alex felt the reverb spread over his back, his hearty laugh simply a ribcage away.

'It'll be fun.'

'Only if you're there,' Clay winked from the second floor and Alex could almost hear the way blood rushed to Karl's cheeks.

'Alex, my man, you coming?'

Alex waved a hand from under Karl, '-don't think so man.'

'Aw come on, Alex.' Clay eventually made it downstairs, going to sit cross-legged on the floor. Karl slid of Alex to rest his head against Clay.

'You don't have to drink or anything, just stick around for the games.'

'Dude,' Nick reached out, Alex felt his lazy fingers picking at his stray strands sticking out his beanie, '-90% of frat party games contain alcohol.'

'Not Truth or Dare,' Karl perked up, of to which Clay thankfully purred down at his.

'Fine,' Alex found newfound confidence within himself.

'One game of Truth or Dare.'

ps: I totally didn't expect for TNTduo to meet up, please the fact that it was a concert has me shitting actually bricks- can I see the future? /j

TNTduo my beloveds.

TNTduo my beloveds

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