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With good enough effort from both the Brit and the Mexican- the snoring Texan was finally tucked into Alex's bed. There was a silent pause, as the two hovered with wide eyes over his body, as if careful to wake a sleeping cat.

The two shared a look, before almost folding over in silent laughter.

'Come on,' Will whispered although there was no need, grabbing Alex by his arm.

'-let's get out of here.'

Nick collapsed just moments after standing up to walk towards Will. The man had practically choked on air, before pushing past the Brit to crash into the bathroom. Alex was still splayed out over Will's bed and the two couldn't help but stare.

Enough time passed before they both walked into the bathroom with Nick hanging his head over the toilet bowl.

'So,' Will began after Alex walked out of a speed mart with a can of Red Bull.

'-what was that all about?' City weathered wavered in climate change, tonight was particularly chilly, Alex was almost glad he was drunk- he could barely register how his skin started to go numb.

'Karl,' Alex cracked open the can with a finger, '-I swear every time I agree to something he plans, I end up in a shithole.'

Will hummed, as he took sips of his grape-flavored slushie, he'd left his coat in the car, leaving him in just his flannel and a beanie.

'How many times is that, exactly?'

'Two. You and now Nick,' the words left Alex's mind before he could filter them.

'So, that call, t'was the first?' Will's accent was more emphasized when his words were slurred in the slush of his drink.

Alex nodded, '-yea.' 

Perhaps it was the booze, but Alex felt himself lean towards the radiating warmth of the taller man's body. If Will minded, he didn't say so, for he ended up resting an arm around the smaller man's shoulder.

'Would'chu like to go home?'

'With Sap's snoring- no thanks,' Alex's vision went slightly shaky with the way Will's chuckle vibrated between them.

The two eventually settled on the empty field of the campus, Will laid out his coat and although Alex knew it would be expensive dry-cleaning he laid down on the grass with the Brit.

Stars weren't bright in the city, in fact, they are pretty much invisible. But, tonight, maybe because of the residue alcohol- it was almost like the sky was littered with them. The Brit's head was right next to Alex's and the soft wind would brush his brown hair against Alex's cheek.

There was the soft sound of another person's breathing, along with the myriad of constellations, pushing Alex further into the dream-state headspace.

'Sorry about that, Nick, I mean.' Alex turned meeting the eyes of Will's next to him, '-he's just piss-drunk. I'm never letting him live that down though.'

Will laughed, Alex must still be drunk, because he could almost feel the pulsing of his laugh seep through the soil under them.

'You're too kind, Quackity.'

'Will you stop calling me that?' Alex got up on one elbow, meeting the Brit's eyes when he let out a guffaw. The reverb of their voices echoed into the empty acres around them.

heartstrings - a tntduo fic.Where stories live. Discover now