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~Taehyung POV~

After what Jungkook said I went out with Mr Bang.

He showed me to his guest the moment we arrived.

I went in and decided to take an extremely hot shower to ease my pain but my soul had other plans.

I sat there in the bathtub and let the tears flow down my cheeks like a river. I sat and soaked in there for like an hour. Then I cleaned myself up and continued crying on the bed till I passed out from exhaustion.

Next Day

I think I forgot to close the curtain last night since the bright sun was streaming in.

I got up and decided that it is time for me to act strong and cold because I hate it when people take advantage of me.

The first thing I did was grab an apple while I made my way to the HQ that Mr Bang had.

I arrived about half an hour later.

"Hey son, isn't it a little too early to be over a heartbreak?" he asked.

"I am still in pain but I want to be strong. Whatever I did before is not enough. I want to be the better version of myself so I am going to train till I drop," I said as I started to walk to the gym.

I did what I would normally do to warm up. I ran on the treadmill then some stretches before lifting some weight. This is only the beginning. After that, I went to the sparring ring to spar with some of them.

It made me feel alive. I kept sparring till I was soaking in sweat then I head to the locker room to take a shower and change into my shooting gears.

I started off with my handgun than with other guns that are a bit difficult to handle.

By now it was past lunchtime, nearing early dinner. However, I didn't stop. I went to the archery side and did some training as well. It is now 8 pm and I am soaking wet in my own sweat.

Finally, I felt relieved. So, I made my way to where I was living.

When I entered his house I saw Jungkook sitting in the living room. I went past him ignoring the calls. I am not going to forgive him for what he has said to me. He was the only person I trusted after all this trauma, but he had to break that trust with a few words that were sharper than a knife.

I just locked the given bedroom and went to take a shower and as usual, it was part of my crying session too.

After that, I decided to do some skincare routine and head to bed.

After a while, the knocking stopped but Mr Bang wanted to talk to me so I unlocked it and let him in.

"Taehyung, why don't you give him a chance? I know he hurt you with those words but Just give me one more chance," he asked me.

"You see Mr Bang, after all the shit that I have gone through I finally put trust in someone and that someone is him. But when he said those words it brought back the bitter memory of what my parents and schoolmates called me. He made me look at him like how I looked at my parents and schoolmates. Without emotions. Now I no longer want to feel emotion because in the end the only emotion that I am going to feel is pain, and if this goes on I won't be able to take it. Hence, from today onwards I am switching off my emotions and feelings," I said and turned to the other side so that I can sleep.

~After 1 year~

I have finally done my training and taken on Mr Bang's position.

I also manage to open my own legal fashion company. During the day I will be in my office doing the paperwork and visiting sites for the runway shows. At night, I will become V.

However, in both areas, I'm known as the cold-hearted person to ever exist.

I was still carrying Jungkook's mark as he did mark me after the hot session. I will have to carry it till I die. When a hybrid is marked they will only belong to the person who they got marked by.

Which means I belong to Jungkook forever.

In these few months, he has tried to talk to me but I always shut him out or push him away. I want to become successful on my own before I meet him again.

I know that I can't go on for long but when the time is right I will arrange a meeting with him to accept his apology.

As usual, I am in my office doing some paperwork for a runway show.

Then, my secretary barged in like it was her house.

"I have told you a thousand times to knock before entering. If you are going to do that again I'm going to fire you," I said as my eyes scanned the contract papers.

"Nice to meet you Kim Taehyung," he said.

"Nice to meet you JayB. What do you want now?" I asked without looking at him.

"Would you like to go on a date with me?" he asked.

I looked at him then continued reading the contract paper.

"I will never belong to anyone except the man that marked me. I will never betray my mate even when we are on break," I said.

"What does he have that I don't?" he asked shamelessly.

"He saved me when the world decided to turn its back on me. Something, not all men have. Most of them only wanted me for sex but this man made me who I am today. So, get you shits and leave my building and NEVER COME BACK AGAIN OR I WILL PUT A BULLET THROUGH YOUR FOREHEAD,"

I said in anger. He push off his chair and left.

A few hours went by and I decided to go to Jin's restaurant as I missed his food.

"Hey, Jinnie Hyung. How are you?" I asked.

"I'm doing fine baby. You should really go back to Jungkook you know. He is getting so cold. He is always in the gym or office. He skips meals and I don't know what to do," he said worriedly.

"Jinnie Hyungie, please help me pass this letter to him. Maybe after this, he might eat and even stop skipping meals," I said as I hand him the letter.

After I ate I drove to the HQ to monitor things and get ready for my new mission: to kill my favourite enemy, JayB.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Hello angels,

I hope everyone is doing well. Christmas is coming and I hope everyone is enjoying it.  Recently my anxiety Just hit me hard. It's getting worse day by day. I'm just trying to be positive but it is getting hard.

Please vote and comment this is keeping me from going insane and gives me a reason to survive. 

I love you angels

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