Chapter 21

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~ Author POV ~

It was 5 am. Jungkook and Taehyung were catching up on whatever they have missed. They had the TV playing in the background and it was playing the news.

It took one news to grab Jungkook's attention.

"Mr JayB the third mafia don has been found dead in his house. His body was brutally bruised with cuts and a carving was found on his chest. The letter V was carved on his chest which leads to the conclusion that Mr V has done this to take revenge. Who is this V ? is he a she? Why did he do it?"

"Babyboy. Why did you do that?" Jungkook asked curiously.

"He slapped me when he kidnapped me so I had to take my revenge and it's my surprise for you. Do you like it?" he asked Jungkook.

"Yes, baby. Thank you. Finally, the idiot is dead," Jungkook said with a proud smirk.

"Why don't you sleep while I make breakfast for you guys, hm?" Tae asked.

"Okay but stay with me till I fall asleep," kook said.

"Okay," he replied.

Jungkook laid on Tae's chest while tae caressed his hair making him sleepy. It didn't take long for Jungkook to fall asleep.

Once Jungkook fall asleep, Tae slowly get out of Jungkook's grip and made his way to the kitchen.

~Taehyung POV~

The kitchen was a mess. The dishes weren't washed, the stove was not wiped and the trash was not thrown out.

I washed the dishes, wiped the stove and threw the trash before making breakfast.

I made pancakes, eggs and bacon.


They all rushed down with guns.

It was so hilarious.

"Hey, guys. How is everyone?"

The moment I asked that they dropped their guns and hugged me. I was crushed by them.

"Guys I c-can't breathe," I said as they let go of me.

"Eat your breakfast. I go wake up Jungkook," I said and made my way up to the stairs.

I quietly opened the door and went towards him.

He looked so peaceful. The bags under his eyes were so visible, it looked like he didn't sleep for months. He lost so much weight his chubby cheeks weren't chubby anymore.

I caressed his cheeks before waking him up.

"Baby, wake up I made breakfast. You can sleep after you eat come on," I cooed him awake.

"Give me a kiss first," he asked shamelessly.

I kissed him and made sure he wakes up.

He freshened up before he swept me off my feet and carried me down to the dining room.

~The boys POV ~


I can't believe my eyes. Taeehyung is back. That means Jungkook will not ask so cold.


Finally, my soulmate is back. My favourite ship is also back. Finally, they can become the most badass couple in history.


Finally, Jungkook will not be a fucking child. I hate it when he becomes cold he forgets to respect his hyungs and don't care about others.


Finally, they are back together the mansion will no longer be dead silent. It feels so sad and eerie at the same time.

The best thing was he even carried Tae down. We want to know how they got back together, they all thought the same.

"Uhm guys, how did you guys get back together?" J-hope asked the Taekook couple.

"Well, I wanted things to get back to normal and I was finally ready to talk to Jungkook so I asked Jin Hyungie to give Jungkook a letter. The letter stated about the meeting area and time. Which was at 3 am after my mission.

He came we talked it out and we made a promise," Taehyung explained.

Jungkook didn't let go of Taehyung he had a stronghold and made sure that Taehyung was on his lap. He even put his face in the crook of Taehyung's neck. He was being very possessive of Taehyung and Taehyung didn't mind it. He just let Jungkook do whatever he wants. I guess having a mate can make you act possessive.

~ Author POV ~

They all ate their breakfast with jokes and small talks.

Jungkook and Taehyung decided to take a break from work and decided to enjoy each others company.

They planned a vacation for a week. Their friends will help with their cover when they are overseas.

Jungkook and Taehyung decided to go to Paris to spend some time alone after their very long break.

~Taehyung POV~

I can't believe he planned a vacation in Paris. I have never been to Paris but still is far. I can't wait to spend some time alone with him.

I have been away for too long from him but now, I started to feel happy. I know is my fault for not talking when he wanted to but I need to clear my mind before talking to him.

He told me to pack some fancy clothes and some comfy clothes. I guess he made some plans.

I packed them and also packed them for him since he had a job at the company. By, 9 pm we are on our way to the airport to board the aeroplane. It was his private plane so it was easy.

Since it was going to take at least 13 hours I decided to sleep first since I didn't sleep for the whole day.

~Jungkook POV ~

I know it is a sudden plan but I need some time alone with him. I missed him so much after he left. It was like my heart was missing, it felt as if there is a hole in my chest. I made him fall for me but I also pushed him away. That was the stupidest mistake I could ever make. Since then I promised myself that I would never hurt him ever again and to control my short temper. This is all just for him.

I had to go to the company to make some arrangements and sign some of the paperwork before I go on a short vacation.

My love has already packed my clothes for me. Gosh, he is so kind.

After that, we immediately left for the airport to board my private plane.

Right now he is cuddled up against me sleeping since we didn't get enough sleep. This is going to be the best vacation ever.


Hi Loves, it has been a while. I apologise for not uploading regularly as I am still on an internship it will end on 27 February 22, until then I will try my best to upload a few chapters, whenever possible. 

Please comment and vote it will really motivate me to write more. Hopefully, everybody is doing well. If you are not, please take care. If you need anybody to talk u can also talk to me I don't mind. 

Until we meet again 


Your author-nim

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