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11:09 PM - Angel Young

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this shit is not kidding around

11:13 PM - Pinkie/Haruki Nakamura

I can't tell if that's good or not. And why is your counter that dirty? I helped you clean it after.

11:14 PM - Angel Young

those stains have been maturing for years, u can't just wipe away all their hard work

11:14 PM - Pinkie/Haruki Nakamura

I'm gonna pretend you didn't say that 

11:14 PM - Angel Young

but fr that cheesecake was rly good
where'd you get the recipe

11:14 PM - Pinkie/Haruki Nakamura

The crust is from an old cooking book my mom had
I did the rest through trial and error

11:15 PM - Angel Young

u just made it up
damn. elite. ur the cheesecake man

11:15 PM - Pinkie/Haruki Nakamura

Don't call me that

11:15 PM - Angel Young

[View Screenshot]
too late

11:16 PM - The Cheesecake Man/Haruki Nakamura

Why would you name me that

11:16 PM - Angel Young

well what am i called on ur phone

11:16 PM - The Cheesecake Man/Haruki Nakamura

Your name

11:16 PM - Angel Young

that's it???

11:16 PM - The Cheesecake Man/Haruki Nakamura

What else would it be

11:17 PM - Angel Young

favorite tutee
best suicide buddy
sous chef premium
young and beautiful

11:18 PM - The Cheesecake Man/Haruki Nakamura

You're something

11:18 PM - Angel Young

'something' yeah that could work
kinda bland tho

11:18 PM - The Cheesecake Man/Haruki Nakamura

I'm not redoing your contact name, I won't know it's you

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