Suicide Buddies - Epilogue

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Hello, dear reader.

You've reached the end of this book. This very long and tumultuous book, but still, hopefully, a book with a happy ending.

This book is very near and dear to my heart as it is the second book I've written here, and for some reason, second books can be scarier. So thank you for taking any time that you have to have read this. Angel and Haru thank you immensely.

I wrote this book during a very difficult time in my life, and as it was with Angel and Haru through their journey of finding their better ending, it's also been with me through my own. I hope, in some sense, it was with you as well.

I'm well aware this extremely dramatic thing needs some serious editing, but I'm quite tired from the push of getting it finished that I'll probably end up editing it later in the farther future. For now, please let it be the lengthy, crazy, nutty mess that it is till I get to that.

I hope you enjoyed Angel Young with all his tumultuous life choices, cheesecake affinity, The Great Gatsby love, and his crazy but lovable persona that makes him both a wonder and a weirdo.

And I hope you enjoyed Haruki Nakamura, with his talented baking skills, violin vendetta, sweet seriousness, and awkward prose that makes him an adorable phenomenon.

I hope Maia and Rae and Emma and Mrs. Yang and Noah and Pastor James and Stormie and everyone else were their own fun add ins with their important contributions. The story is never possible without some solid side characters to make it worthwhile.

Thank you for taking a chance on them, and me, and this book itself, no matter when you find it.

I hope you live for yourself, and for all the things you want, because as I've learned, you're worth what you want.

So go make cheesecake and dance in the rain and dream about your future and all the good things in it! Because I promise there are many of them waiting for you ahead.

the end.

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