Suicide Buddies : On Kindle & Paperback!

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Hello, dear reader :)

I come with a little announcement:

Suicide Buddies is now available on Kindle & paperback!

And like I've complained through the whole of writing this book, it's quite long and caps at 300,000+ words and 800+ pages, but nonetheless, it's out and about and there for you if you are interested in having a hard copy :D

I really never expected for this book to garner anything over 2k reads, so seeing it hit 10k as of recently is both mind-boggling and much appreciated. Thank you, you wonderful people, for taking a chance on this story and me and its characters.

Also, don't get all mad, as it'll of course still be available on Wattpad as it is now! There's not many changes in the paperback version, save for grammatical, stylistic, and a few content edits to smooth things out. But that being said, here or there, I'm just thankful for all of you who read or are reading this book. It will always mean the world to me.

Thank you for enjoying this story with me.





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