Loser <3

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I turned on my phone 3:38 a.m. another sleepless night... yay. I got up and walked downstairs. Cameron and Hugh were on the couch. Cameron was asleep on Hugh's lap. I turned on the kitchen light and opened the fridge door. "Cant sleep?" Hugh asked. "Unfortunately." I said in responce. "I'll probably play some Minecraft of something."

"Mind if I join you? It's not like I have anything important going on right now." He said motioning to Cameron who wqs dead asleep on the couch. "Sure why not. The more the merrier." I said shutting the fridge door.

I opend my bedroom door and we walked in. I turned my Xbox on and opend Minecraft. Hugh made his own username "Loser <3" We loaded a new world and started playing. We played for hours. From 3:45 to 9:27 to be exact. Hugh had gone back downstairs to wait for Cameron to wake up. I sat in my bed on TikTok. I had a fun time with him. 6 hours of playing Minecraft and laughing- Hugh is kinda cute. But he's Cameron's so I'll leave him alone.- I thought as a someone knocked on my door. "Hey. Get dressed. Me, you, and Hugh are going to the mall. Your dad's making us take you." Cameron said quickly.  "Were leaving in 30 minutes."

"O-oh- ok." I said as Cameron slammed the door in my face. I threw on some black skinny jeans, a Nirvana t-shirt some old vans, and a baggie yellow zip up and went downstairs. Cameron was trying to make out with Hugh. He looked very uncomfortable. "Babe, not here. Elmdan is right there." He said trying to pull Cameron off him. "Ughh fineeee. Elmdam, you ruin everything." She said walking past me. "And you could ruin a wet dream without trying." I muttered. Hugh smiles at me and we walk out to the garage where Cameron has started her car and started blasting music. I got in the back seat and buckled my seat belt. I didn't feel like dieing today. I've seen how she pulls in the driveway and garage.

After 15 minutes of torture and Cameron's horrible singing, we arrive at the mall. Cameron parked and we got out. "Babeee hold my handd." Cameron begged as we walked in. Hugh reluctantly held her hand. I walked behind them that way I wasn't in the way. I popped in and out of stores by myself. I figured I would leave them to do their couple stuff. I walked into a little anime shop that was selling plushies. I decided to buy an Eevee plushie along with a few various buttons for my collection.

Hugh was waiting for me outside. "Wheres Cameron?" I asked him as I looked around. "She went with some friends and told me to hang out with you." He said. He seemed relieved that she had left. I wouldn't blame him. We decided to get some food at the food court.

We grabbed some sweet tai noodles at the noodles place. "How long have you two been together?" I asked him. "Two years." He said, taking a sip of his drink. I nearly choked, "Two years!? With that?!" I exclaimed. Hugh flinched, "Yeah I know. I need to break up with her. I know she's cheating on me." At this point I was invested in all the tea I was hearing. "I'll help you-" I blurted out. He looked at me with a smile on his face. "As much as I would love your help, I don't want her to hate you. Well, more than she already does."

We walked around for a while and spotted Cameron, holding hands, with a different boy. I could tell Hugh heart dropped. He turned and walked away. Just then she noticed us.

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