Burning Bridges

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      "Hugh? HUGH!" Cameron shouted, sprinting to catch up with him. I sat there in shock. She really was cheating on him. I thought he was joking; who knew Cameron was that bad of a person. -if I was with someone like that, I wouldn't cheat on him.-  I said to myself. One of the girls that was with Cameron walked up to me. "You're kinda cute." She said, making an attempt to grab my hand. I pulled away. "I'm sorry I don't swing that way." I said respectfully as I turned to find Hugh and Cameron. It wasn't hard to find then. All I had to do was follow Cameron's screaming. Hugh kept on walking. He didn't want anything to do with her anymore.

"Hugh, please. I'm sorry." She said, grabbing his hand. He pulled away from her, "I knew this was happening. You didn't really make it a point to hide it. I'm not hurt that you cheated, I'm more upset because you did it with my brother."

I froze. That was his brother?! They looked nothing alike. Then again, that doesn't mean anything. Hugh noticed me standing there and walked up to me. "Let's go, Elmdan. I'd rather hang out with you than her." He turned to Cameron, "I'm done with you, Cameron. WE are done."

We walked out of the mall to Lincoln's car. "Hugh, I'm sorry. Despite her attitude and anger issues, I didn't she would cheat on you." He looked at me with a smile. "Don't worry about a thing, Elmdan. She's old news now. Like I said. I was planning on ending things with her anyway. She was WAY too dramatic."

Due to Cameron driving us to the mall, we had to walk. But it wasn't too bad. It felt nice to walk with a "friend." On the way home, we did nothing but make fun of Cameron. It was nice to know there was someone in the same boat as me. We walked up to my driveway. "Wanna come inside and play Minecraft?" I asked. "Of course." He said, "Race you."

Hugh sprinted straight for the door. "Hey, no fair head start!!" I said as he opened the door and ran upstairs. He tripped on one of the steps, letting me run past him and win. "HA LOSER!" I exclaimed, throwing a fist up in victory. He chuckled as he walked in. He tackled me to the ground and pinned me down.

"Whoa, man, I don't bat for that team." I said jokingly. He laughed and then smiled. I noticed how pretty his eyes were. His emerald green eyes shone in the sunlight.  The sun really highlighted his features. His blond curls, to his dimples, to his freckles on his cheeks, to his pinkish red lips. I couldn't help but stare at him. He placed a hand on my cheek, which broke me out of my trance. "If you didn't bat for that team, then why are you enjoying this?" He said, bringing his face closer to mine. His larger frame on top of mine. It felt.... right.

"Am I interrupting something-" My dad asked from the hallway. "Dad!" I said, shocked. "Isn't that Hugh!? Are you cheating on Cameron!?" My dad asked frantically. "She cheated on me. We're not together anymore." Hugh said blunty. My dad's expression lifted to a more relaxed look. "Oh. Well, carry on then." He said, shutting my door.

Hugh chuckled, "You're flustered right now, and it is adorable." I turned to him. "I-Im not flustered. I'm a manly man. Manly men don't get flustered." I said quickly. "Oh? Then why are you blushing?" He asked. "Shut up, loser." I said embarrassed.

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