do i deserve you at all

68 5 0

Modern day au
Tw: identity crisis

Usually I don't feel happy all the time, I spend my time being alone and doing things to get me busy that don't involve any interaction between people.

Today I didn't feel the slightest bit of happiness! I felt alone and scared, I never hated myself so much to the point where I had a breakdown over it, I always held in my thoughts and emotions but I can't continue that any longer. I'm tired of seeing my face, I hate my body, I hate my personality. I want to change it all and be someone new! "I hate it!I hate it !"

I thought about all the judgment I have received from other people. "I think I'm believing it all now!" I said under my breath without realizing it.
Tears streamed down my eyes I sobbed and covered my face. "No I dont..No I'm not me, I'm not this person and I don't wanna be!!" I cried louder but the thoughts in my head were worse. I punched the mirror and dropped to my knees and cried.

Nagito opened the door I was too much in thought to realize it was him. His footsteps infuriated with my thoughts and I turned around having my arms ready to beat someone up. Instead he looked at me with a frown,
"Y/n.." he spoke softly, "Please don't do this again.." he said almost in a teary tone. He put out his arms and wrapped them around me. He held my hand and brought me to the bathroom. He cut my hair,wiped my eyes from makeup, he turned me around to a mirror. "Nagito...thank you" he smiled and comforted me through the rest of the day. He knew I was sick of myself so he tried his best to help. He gave me advice and even talked about his issues that made us relate to each other. "Do I really deserve him?"

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