♡hanahaki disease♡

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You and Nagito have been friends for as long as you can remember, you slowly started to feel something for him.

"Hey Y/N I need to go to the bathroom" Nagito struggled to say because of us laughing really hard earlier "Okay then" I smiled at him as he walked away.

My heart jumped immediately and I was blushing like crazy, i didn't think a guy like him would make me fall that hard...After a few minutes of in my thoughts bad thoughts run in to my mind. Everytime I get jealous over him I choke up petals, doctors have already told me that I will have a very high chance of dying! I sigh and I jump back to reality and I notice Nagito is taking a really long time.

I stand up from the bench I was on and head towards the men's restroom and notice he was talking to Chiaki the whole time. Chiaki was sweet girl and she was so kind to you and protective that you always feel bad for   getting jealous when she talks to Nagito. But you can help it, it was just how you felt!

Just looking at the sight you feel a lump in your throat, you already know this is. You rush to the bathroom and immediately cough blood and red stained petals, a flower comes out of your mouth. You take one look at the bloody scene, after laying your eyes on the crimson red blood you feel lightheaded and they next thing you know you faint on the floor because of the amount of blood loss.

You wake up in a white room with machines all over and realize your in a hospital, you hear faint talking outside your room and the door opens to Nagito with a worried expression plastered across his face "You should've told me Y/N" he spoke softly.
"I'm sorry, I-i didn't know what to do"
Nagito looked at the blank white wall for a minute and sighed "the nurses told me you can't live for too long" You break out in tears and nagito hugs you knowing this will be the last time he ever will hug you again.

Nagito comes back in the room, "Y/N I'm so sorry!" The white haired boy says calmly holding back any emotion. "I am too, Nagito it's all my fault I should have mentioned it" I replied teary "I don't want you to leave!" His voice cracked. "I don't want to either" I whispered slightly





Nagito went pale and his hands were shaking "No.." He said frantically
"DOCTOR PLEASE!!" Nurses came in panting but there was nothing they could do. Nagito felt hot tears streaming down his eyes for the first time in a while, there was nothing he could do now....

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2022 ⏰

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