childhood✿[reverse comfort]

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This chapter isn't too sad it's just a chapter I thought of at the top of my head

Today you were going to explore some of the islands together with Nagito today. You were pretty excited, not many people really liked you or wanted to ever hang out.

You put on a pair of black jeans and a white loose T-shirt and you left your cottage very excited. Nagito was outside the cottages already supposedly waiting for you. "Hey, where ya wanna go first" I chimed "Maybe that diner we should probably eat before we do anything else" Nagito said
"Yayy food!!!!" I gushed
Nagito smiled slightly at your enthusiasm and hid his face

Time skip cuz why not♤

After going to a couple of islands and checking out all of the places, you and nagito were going to go in the movie theater. You guys talked and laughed about stupid things that happened to us on the way, when you arrived you sat down in the red chairs in the the theater. The movie was boring as hell but what did I expect, we were on some werid random island. You eventually fell asleep due to boredom.

Nagitos POV

I saw them fall asleep slowly, I don't blame them the movie was not really interesting whatsoever! I just watched them sleep, they were so calm and perfect. Like no one else, they have cared for me so much I don't understand it, they are to perfect to be around my dirty presence. I am nothing but a disgusting mistake. I sighed and closed my eyes trying to refresh my mind, I shook them awake because it had been half a hour and I didn't feel like watching this boring movie still.

Your POV
I woke up to Nagito moving my shoulder softly. I rubbed my eyes and , "Thanks Nagito for waking me up!" I said sarcastically. "Hehe, my apologies do you really want to use all your sleep in the day instead of night." He laughed "Hmph I don't care about my sleep anyway" I grumbled

We both stood up from sitting the whole time and we walked out the theater not saying a word to each other. It was pretty awkward to be honest! Since we were hanging out the whole day the sun was already down and I was getting worried "hey, Nagito would you mind if I stayed in your cottage tonight!" I mentioned
"Of course, why do you not want to stay in yours though?.." Nagito asked
"Uh-umm how should I put this! I'm just kinda paranoid in my cottage.. i s-sometimes think I'm gonna get killed " I stuttered out

Nagitos POV
Yes! Yes! Yes! This was such a perfect opportunity to get closer with them. I'll get to stare at them without getting caught when their sleeping. I'm so happy!!

Your POV
Thank you Nagito! I didn't think you would say yes but thanks" I walked into Nagitos cottage and stood there in thought and fear. "Nagito, uh..uh where am I-I gonna sleep" I asked concerned "You can go in my bed if you want, I will sleep on the couch!" He smiled "no I can't do that, you should take your bed!" Nagito gave me a sinister smile "or would you want to share the bed!"
"Uhh...would you really want to" I said "I don't mind" Nagito spoke softly
"Okay then.." We both went onto the bed and conversated a bit. Suddenly we got into the subject of our childhood "I wasn't really loved that much as a kid. I was a loner with no one to really care.."he smiled sadly "I mean.. I get why, I'm a disgrace to this world but I just forced myself to keep going.." Nagito looked up in the ceiling in thought "really! I didn't know that I'm sorry for that" I spoke in a sad tone "no need for that, it's true!I'm garbage" nagito laughed at me "Hey Nagito, I just want to let you know that you aren't garbage, you shouldn't degrade yourself. I care about you, and I worry about you a lot!" I stated Nagito blush a red tone "Wha-no you are lying.." he flushed "I'm serious Nagito!" I replied "okay, it's just no one says that stuff to me.. I'm not exactly used to it" I smiled at his remark "you are very stupid Nagito.." i hugged him tightly

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