thank God I have a sister

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Jimmy didn't know how long he was on the floor passed out but when he awoke it was to Lizzie shouting at someone to do something or thats atlest. Jimmy's vison fades in and out until he finally fully wake's he's able to under stand Lizzie and who she's yelling at, it's Joel. 

"No, water isn't going to wake him Joel!  Both him and I can sleep in water! Plus we aren't dumping swamp water on him! He's been gone for a day and this is what you think is smart?" Lizzie is clearly upset and freaked out. Jimmy starts to notice that his Cod head isn't on, it doesn't freak him out to much due to it's just Lizzie and Joel but it is still uncomfortable to have it off. Wait did she say a day?

"Lizzie?" Jimmy barely recognized his voice, it's horse and kind of choppy, it sounded horrible. Was this from how long he's been out or was it because of whatever he was stabbed with.

"Jimmy! Never mind Joel come over here." Lizzie was calming down now. It's good that she isn't yelling anymore, Jimmy is sure he has some sort of headache. "Jimmy can you hear me?" Lizzie's voice is much softer now.

"Yeah.." His throat feels very sore, as if he was screaming for hours. It hurts, everything hurts. He doesn't want to move, not when he feels like this.

"Joel keep an eye on him, I'm getting him a glass of water." Said Lizzie as she stood up, Jimmy notices that he's set on his bed. One of them must have moved him. Jimmy's eye's finally focuses enough that he realizes that Joel is sitting next to him, he looks exhausted.

"Jimmy nobody had any clue where you were, what happened to you man?" Joel asked, his voice laced with worry.

"Xornoth.. Stabbed me.." Jimmy muttered. Joel looks very conflicted more than anything else, no matter what people say he has always denied the demon's existence for a long while now.

"Jimmy.. he's not real.." Joel muttered

"But he is Joel... and he stabbed me.." Jimmy can't belive what Joel is saying. Why does he always refuses the demons existence? It's not fair! Not one bit! Gosh did Jimmy just want to scream about this but he didn't.. he didn't want to hurt Joel when it came to this stuff.

"I-... Jimmy I have literally never seen it ever. How on earth is it real?" Joel sounded confused but it still hurt to hear, y'know?

"Joel please believe me, the demon is real... I'm not sure as to why you can't set it when it is clearly here..." Jimmy spoke softly, his eye's full with tears as flash if memories of the demon tormenting him come to mind.

"Jimmy I can't see this demon and I doubt I will ever see it man but.. But if you say that you were stabbed by it I guess I'll believe it..." Joel found himself somewhat sad that he see this demon, if it actually exists.. it's most likely just someone who is playing pranks or.. Or they are just some weak assassin that's so scared to face him- Yeah that's it! Joel is trying desperately to ignore how bad things have gotten because of the 'demon'.

"Joel know what... never mind..." muttered Jimmy,  he's just done with all of this now. He's tired as well.

Lizzie comes back and hands Jimmy the glass if water, he gratefully drinks it while trying to ignore the worry on his sisters face.

"Jimmy.. What happened?" Asked Lizzie. She gently places a hand on his shoulder while she looks at him with concern.

"Xornoth." He takes another drink. "They stabbed me." He can tell that his sister is pissed, like very pissed. He looks away as he doesn't want to see he looks so upset.

"Oh if I get my hands on that demon..." Growled Lizzie. Her hands balling up into fists, her eye's are full of danger.

Joel places a hand on Lizzie's back and gently rubbed it, it soothed her enough to keep her from getting up this moment and cursing out Xornoth. 

Jimmy sighs and looks down at his side, he slowly takes in the fact that it's healed yet there's a strange scar. It looked very different from his other scars but he shrugs it off for now.

"Let's go see Gemini" Said Lizzie very suddenly. Her eye's also were focused on Jimmy's bran new scar.

"But- But I'm fine!" Jimmy tried to argue but there's no way he's going to convince his older sister that easily.

"No but Jimmy. Let's get your stuff and then we will go." Said Lizzie, she's way to determined even for Joel to change her mind. 

"Oh um also  you might want to change Jimmy, your shirt is nasty and there's a big whole in it." Said Joel all to casually. Jimmy just stares at him blankly for a few seconds. 

"I was STABBED!" Jimmy points to his shirt. "That is blood. How are you so calm?" he asked his  voice is laced with confusion. 

"Oh. Well it wouldn't be the first time I've seen a stab wound. Just change your shirt, I doubt Gemini would like it." Joel Said before getting up and leaving Jimmy and Lizzie.

"Lizzie is your husband is crazy.." Mumbled Jimmy.

"He's the mad King of Mezalea Jimmy, of course he's crazy." Lizzie giggled a bit. 'But yeah change your shirt." She said before leaving Jimmy all alone. 

Jimmy watches his sister leave, he stays in bed for a few more seconds before getting up. He sighs and goes to change.

Jimmy now fully changed goes outside while trying to ignore the new scar and it's pain in his side. He looks at Lizzie and Joel who are waiting for him and the their of them take off in the sky, using their elytra's. Jimmy feels the pain get worse but he ignores it the best he can, he doesn't want to worry his sister and Joel. He just doesn't want them to freak over something that's probably nothing.

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