Following Donna: Chapter 4

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Donna was flipping pancakes when her daughter came into the kitchen on a rainy summer day.
"Sleepy, Sleepy," Donna said with a smile. She was glad that Sophie was back at home.
"Hi momma, what happened last night? I heard the door open and shut with dad and you talking kinda nervous before I fell asleep." Sophie didn't want to make a big deal out of such a little thing, but she has always had a curious personality.
"Get Sky and we can talk," replied Donna. Sophie slid over to the hallway and walked down to the last door to the right. Sophie crawled onto the bed and kissed Sky until he kissed her back.
"Well good morning to you too," Sky said
"Mom has something to tell us. She didn't want to only tell me," Sophie grinned.
"Okay well let's go!" Sky got up and shuffled out of the bedroom with his lover.
"Alright, what's up Donna," Sky asked.
"Here, come sit down,"Donna gestured to the bar stools behind the kitchen counter. Sophie starts to realize that this may be a little more than 'no big deal'.
"Your father got a phone call from Lorraine last night. She called because Jason got in a car accident. A big one. So that's why There was noise, because Sam left to go back to England to support his son. He'll be back in a week or so."
"Wow, I feel so bad for him. I don't know what to say." Sophie said, rubbing her belly.
"That's horrible," Sky added.
"Yeah, Sam will call me when he knows everything. So, let's be done with that subject for now. You guys hungry? I made pancakes!" Donna grinned as Sky got up and served three plates before the women of the house could even get up. Sky expected thanks from both by leaning his cheek over until they both pecked him on the cheek. The girls giggled. All got quiet as the family started to eat.
With a mouthful of food, Donna said,"Hey! Don't you have a doctor appointment today?" Donna interrupted the silence.
" Oh yeah, it's at noon. So we should catch the 11:30 ferry to the mainland." Sophie replied.
"I'll go take a quick shower," Sky said after swallowing a mouthful of breakfast. He got up and gave his lover a syrupy kiss on the lips, then went to the bathroom.
"Oh! Mom give me your hand! I felt something!" Sophie grabbed her mothers hand and pressed it to her belly. The baby kicked again.
"I felt it!" Donna said with a tear running down her cheek.
"I'm so excited for you," Donna smiled. She wanted to hold onto her wild emotions, but she didn't know why.
"Let's get dressed." Donna said while she got up and wiped her tear. They went into their separate rooms. Donna went into her closet and grabbed a casual blue T-shirt and a pair of denim capris. Donna got dressed, then headed to the empty bathroom. She clipped her hair into an up do, put on a few blinks of mascara and went into the kitchen.
"You guys ready? we have ten minutes to get to the ferry!" Donna raised her voice so they could hear her from down the hall.
"Yep! Just a minute!" Sophie replied back to her mom.
"I'll meet you down by the truck." Donna yelled as she poured herself another cup of coffee.
They all met at the truck and rode down together to the dock.
"Donna!" One of the hotel employees waved as he greeted his boss through the foggy weather.
"Good Morning Panos! Have a good day!" Donna smiled.
They boarded the ferry and soon, they were on the mainland walking towards the big hospital building.
"This is going to be our second ultra sound!" Sky told Donna.
"We are going to figure out the gender today!" Sophie squealed.
"Yay! I'm so excited!" Donna was grinning from ear to ear.
"I'm going to be a grandma!" Donna laughed. Once they reached the office, Sophie told the receptionist her name and she was soon seated in a room with her mom and her lover.
Knock Knock! The door slowly opened.
"Hello, I'm Dr. Demetrios. You must be Sophie," the doctor shook her hand and gestured her to sit on the bed.
"We will start of by taking your blood pressure and then we'll get to the fun stuff," he smiled at Donna.
Once they accomplished that her blood pressure was normal they began the ultrasound.
"If you could pull up your shirt that would be great and then I can put the gel on. Soon, the family was looking at their newest member.
"What's that?" Sophie asked.
"That is a leg and a foot. Let's zoom out here. Wow! It looks like you are going to be having twins!" Doctor Demetrios exclaimed. This was Donna's breaking point. She started crying and smiling back and forth. She couldn't believe what was happening! Not only that she was now going to be a grandmother to two children, but Sam's not here to hold her in this moment or experience it.
"Would you like to know the gender?"
"Yes!" Sky said as he is still on cloud 9.
"Let's see here. There is one girl, and baby number two is also a girl!"
This moment was surreal to Donna most of it went by in a blur.
The weather cleared up by the time they got back to Villa Donna. By that time everyone came back to reality. The trio went into the living room to watch a movie
"I should call Sam." Donna said.
She got up off the couch and went into her bedroom with her phone.
She dialed his number and layer down on their bed.
"Hi," Sam said with a tired voice.
"Hey what's up with Jason?" Donna asked.
"Oh, everything's fixed up for the most part. He just broke his arm and collar bone."
"Yikes! When will you be able to come home?" Donna said longing for her lover.
"I found a flight back for tomorrow, what did you do with the kids today?" Sam asked. Donna was glad she could see her husband soon.
"We went to Sophie's appointment. She's having twin girls!" Donna squealed.
"Your kidding. That's amazing! Tell her I'm so excited! I can't wait to get back home. Just to be in a positive environment sounds so good right now. I'll talk to you later honey. Jason needs me. I love you." Sam said through the phone.
"I love you too. Come back safely Sam, bye."
"Okay. Bye." He said back to the one he loves. Donna need to hear his voice. The next six months will be no doubt emotional with lots of first for her daughter and practically son in law. She got up and went to the living room to find Sophie and Sky sleeping in each others arms, with their hands on Sophie's stomach.
Donna smiled and went to the kitchen to make soup for tomorrow. She drank wine and listened to classical music until she went to sleep waiting for Sam to come back.

Following DonnaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora