Following Donna: Chapter 5: Part 2

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Sky went back to sit down after the phone call.
"That was my mom. She said that my dad got rear ended when he was slowing down for a family of ducks crossing the road. He is going to the hospital with minor injuries. Nothing serious."
"So they won't be able to come and spend some time with us." Sophie finished.
"Yeah she'll keep us in the loop but that's all i know right now." The family finished their breakfast as the sun peaked through the windows.
"So what are the plans for today?" Sam asked.
"Well we were going to get some nursery stuff done like choosing the decor and paint color." Donna said.
"Maybe even baby clothes!" Sophie squealed and Donna giggled like little kids in a candy store.
Donna and Sophie packed up and headed to the front door.
"Hey Donna!" Sam called out.
"Yeah?" Donna walked back to the living room where Sam was waiting for her.
"What?" Donna asked. Sam grabbed her by the waist and pulled her in for a kiss. When he finally was finished, he held her in his arms.
"I missed my wife." Sam whispered into Donna's ear. She giggled.
" I missed you too, but we need to go now. Sophie's waiting for me." Sam kisses her again and let's her go.
"Bye my love." Their hands slipped out of eachother's as Donna walked away.

Donna and Sophie get into the jeep and head to the ferry.
"Okay where should we go first once we get there? There is a home improvement store where we can get the paint and crib stuff and there is a department store across the street where we can find everything else. There's also a bakery where"
Sophie interrupted her mom, "Okay mom, let's just go to the home improvement store first to get the paint chips and fabric samples."
"Sounds like a plan!" Donna was really excited to have lots of quality time with her daughter for her grand baby. A smile comes across donna's face as she thinks about the near future and watching her daughter develop into a mother. Donna brakes the jeep to a slow stop and puts it in park. Sophie get out of the car with her mom and they board the 10:30 ferry. Once they find a seat, Donna finds herself overcome with inquiry.
"When did you and sky, you know, do it?"
"Mom!" Sophie screeched. Donna snorted.
"Was it romantic? Like me and your dad?"
"We were in Italy doing a wine tasting at a vineyard called Bella Gusto which means beautiful taste or something I don't know sky researched it. But we went there and we were going out to the vineyard just to check it out and see how huge it actually was. Then we snuck away to the way back row and dot dot dot as you would say," Sophie smiled at her mom.
"Oh so you even saw that part of my diary! You little snooper!" Donna and her daughter laughed the whole way to the mainland. The boat came to a stop, they got off, and started walking to the home improvement store.
"Have you thought about names yet?" Donna asked.
"Well, I think we should do something unique. Sky already has a list of names." Sophie replied.
"Like what?" Donna asked.
"Let's see, he has Samantha and Maybel... There were a bunch more but I can't remember." Sophie blanked.
"I forgot things all the time when I was pregnant," Donna said as they entered the store.
"I really like Samantha, what about Brooklyn? I've always liked that name. It's unique." Donna said.
"Oh yeah! Okay let's look at paint chips first." Sophie and Donna walk over to the paint section.
"Can I help you with anything?" A sales clerk asked.
"Uh yeah we are looking for baby nursery paint colors and fabric samples for drapery." Sophie replied.
"Okay well we have many paint samples that come in all different colors of pastel, and those will be soft colors such mix well with eachother." The sales clerk goes on as Sophie and her mom look through the colors.
"I think we should do pink." Sophie said.
"Me too." Donna replied.
"Okay, so as you can see, we have a big variety of pink," the clerk says. Sophie picks up three different shades of pink.
"Thanks, we got what we needed." Sophie says to the clerk as they walk toward the fabric sample section.
"What if we did purple curtains and crib sheets?" Sophie asked her mom.
"Pink and purple?" Donna asked with a smirk on her face. They both giggled.
"I don't know!" I thought it would be cool having it really girly." Sophie laughed.
"Hi we are looking for purple fabric for curtains and sheets." Sophie said.
"I think we should do white," Donna said under her breath.
"Okay purple is right around the corner." Another clerk said.
"Okay thanks!" Sophie said. The duo walk around the corner to find even more shades of purple than at the paint center.
"Wow! This will take a while. Are you sure you don't want white?" Donna asked.
"I am sure!" Sophie exclaimed. Sophie searches through the purples. They sit there for at least ten minutes.
"Okay I am going to go across the street to the department store. Then I will be able to get some baby shower presents!" Donna smiled.
"When are we going to do that? A baby shower?" Donna asked.
"Mom I don't know I'm only in my first trimester!" Sophie said. Donna laughed.
"Okay I'll meet you accross the street." Donna smiled. Donna walked to the exit of the home improvement store. She took a couple excited step out the door and then in a flash, Donna's vision turned black. She was pulled to what sounded like and felt like a car but she couldn't be too sure. Donna squirmed and screamed but it seamed as if no one could hear her. She heard muffled voices over her yelling. She could quite make out what they were saying. The vehicle drove away with Donna inside.
Back in the department store, Sophie gave up and just got white curtains and sheets from the bedroom section of the store. Sophie was too late to realize what just happened to her mother a couple minutes ago.

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