Following Donna: Chapter 6

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"She must have found another store," Sophie said walking out of the department store. She looked around and thought of where else her mother might have gone. Sophie smiled mischievously as she noticed the bakery.

"How may I help you?" The baker said.
" hi I will have two berry tarts and two small dark roast coffees with room for cream." Sophie said.

Sophie walked out of the bakery with her bag of goodies and coffee. She looked around once more, and decided to call Donna. Sophie dialed Donna's number


"Hi this is Donna, Sorry I can't come to the phone right now! Leave a message!"

Sophie hung up before the beep.
"I'll just meet her at home." Sophie said as she walks to the ferry back to Kalokairi.


The car that Donna was abducted in came to a slow rumbly stop. Someone ripped the black bag over her head. Donna's eyes took a while to react to the sun.

It was Rosie!
"What are you doing! You scared me to death! I thought I was being kidnapped! Sophie's all alone now in the store probably worried sick about me!" Donna went on and started to cry.

Tanya came around the side of the car.

"We are sorry for scaring you but it was the only way for us to get you away!" Tanya reasoned.

"From what?!" Donna wanted to know why they had to get her this way.

"All of the baby stuff. We know you would say you are too old or to busy to do what we have planned," Rosie grinned knowingly.

"We are throwing a grandma shower! Well all we have planned is painting to town red." Rosie looked down.

"Oh no no no." Donna refused.

"And that's the reason why we took you the way we did." Tanya said.


"Hey where's mom?" Sophie asked Sam as she found him in the kitchen.

"I wasn't supposed to tell you until now, but Tanya and Rosie kidnapped her and are going to go have a grandma shower at the bar." Sam said.
"If I would have told you, Donna would have suspected something. You know that." Sam said.
"Yeah okay I'm going to take a nap I'm tired." Sophie shuffled into her room and shut the door


Donna kept on finding excuses not to go to the bar.
"I wish I could but I can't. Sophie and I planned to work out the nursery situation,"

"Well too bad you're going. That's final. You need time to hangout and not stress about anything." Rosie said.

"Fine. Only for a little while." Donna said as they get back in the car and head toward the bar for a girls night.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2015 ⏰

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