Following Donna: Chapter 5: Part 1

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The door slowly squeaks open as Sam tip toes to the kitchen. The sun is just about to rise as he made his way to the coffee pot and turns it on. Once he eats some soup from the night before, he grabs the newspaper from the kitchen table and lays down on the couch to read. It's not for another forty five minutes until the Sam hears someone come down the hallway.
Sam looks up just in time to receive a kiss from Donna.
"I've missed you so much," Donna says as she hugs her husband. She slides onto the couch next to her husband and enjoys his strong and protecting embrace on her innocent body.
"How's Sophie?" Sam asked as he organized his thoughts.
"She is good! Our granddaughter is healthy and so is Sophie. Oh! I invited Sky'd parents for dinner tonight , is that okay?"
"Yeah, I just think I need to get some work done around here. I just need to get out and start a project," Sam whispered.
"How is Jason? Is he okay?" Donna remembered.
"Yes he is in physical therapy but he will be fine." Sam said relieved, "I made some coffee, and the soup was really good. I didn't want to wake anyone by making breakfast."
"Then let's start now the kids aren't going to wake up for a while, I bought some bacon and eggs, we could make French toast too," Donna smiled, knowing that this would make Sam hungry. She kissed her lover and grabbed the food from the fridge. The cracked, whisked, dipped and sizzled all before Sophie and Sky got up. But by the time the fragrance of bacon reached the young couple's nose, They both sprang up and walked to the kitchen.
"Sam!" Sophie squealed as she jumped into his arms.
"Hi Soph," he put her down to get a look at her.
"She is growing, that's for sure," Sam and Donna smiled.
The family sits down to eat breakfast. A couple minutes into their meal, Sky's phone rang.
"Hi mom......What happened?.......Wait what?..... Oh, well of course that's a reason not to come..... Take care of yourself mom, okay love you, bye."
"What happened?" Sophie asked.

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