september 13, 1989

IT WAS the next wednesday now, and i was doing my weekly shift at quickie's, the local convenient store. the past week had gone really well, the guys were becoming our friends. after school on friday, rose told me that she thought tre was hot. i wasn't really surprised. those two shorties would make a good couple.

anyway, back to my job. it would be around 6 i guess, since my shift lasted from 4:30-7. it was such a slow day, i had been hanging out behind the counter and sipping for almost the entire 3 hour duration of my shift. the solemnness was interrupted when the bell above the door rang, signifying someone had come in. low and behold, billie joe.

he leaned onto the counter. "well, well, well, fancy seeing you here, huh cooper?"

"ha ha, very funny billie." i replied, obviously sarcastic.

the brown-haired boy composed himself and stood up straight. "so, quickie's huh? nice name." he chuckled

"god, i know right?" i got more casual and sat on the fake granite countertop. "it's kinda fitting though, cause the other employees always have them in the janitor's closet."

he brushed his hair back, "so, you won't id will you?"

i scrunched my nose as if to say 'how could you think that of me?' "tsk, no. what can i getcha?"

with no hesitation, he ordered: "pack of marlboro reds please."

marlboro reds are the cigarettes i smoke.

"hm. good taste."

he raised an eyebrow, "you smoke?"

i grabbed the cigarettes from the shelf and scanned it. "yeah, i guess you could say that. that'll be three bucks flat."

"you just...don't strike me as the type i guess." he admitted, placing 3 crumpled dollar bills on the counter. i nodded and put the money in the register.

"right we'll, see you 'round!" he waved, and almost walked out the door.

"hey! don't forget your cigs!" i called, tossing the pack to him.

billie turned and caught it, looking embarrassed. "right. thanks."

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