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September 15, 1989

                          "WE'RE IN YOUR PE CLASS, by the way." Mike said on Friday morning as we were leaving first period.

"Then why haven't you been there this entire week?" I retaliated.

He shrugged as if it was nothing, "'cause we didn't want to I guess. But we're going today, don't worry."

"Plus we arent total new kids. I mean, we're going today cause everyone knows you don't do jackshit on Fridays, in pe I mean."

I nodded, "You're right. God our teacher too, he doesn't pay attention at all. He's a total creep and he only makes us do jumping jacks sometimes to see the girls' tits bounce."

"Hmph. maybe id like to see some of that!" he joked, rubbing his hands together.

"Awh you're fucked!"

We walked along in silence to the old gym. It was really shabby looking, big cracks in the black tops surrounding the building, paint peeling, and there were roaches in the main room. The entire school needed renovation, really. The administrators only kept the front of the school looking, nice. To "keep up the reputation" supposedly. Except we had no reputation to uphold. The graduation rate was at an all-time low, and half the seniors were approaching 20 years old cause they've flunked so many times.

I got in line for the locker rooms anyway, just for the teacher to dismiss us and say we don't have to change today (as I knew would happen). Mike, Tre, and Billie were sitting on the bleachers, talking up a storm by god. Tre was slapping his knee, and Billie nearly fell off. But when they saw I was approaching, they fell silent, and looked everywhere but at each other.

"What were you guys goin' on about?" I asked, sitting down on the level below them.

"Nothing, nothing.." Tre said, looking down at me.

"Yeah, nothing." Added Billie, holding in a laugh.

"Y'know what?" I turned around to look at him.


"Fuck you."

"Alright when and where," He moved his tongue around his mouth, showing through his cheeks. Mike was blank-faced, he looked, kind of angry.

I flipped him off jokingly, and all three of the boys burst out laughing again.

"You guys want a smoke?" I said, patting the front pocket of my leather jacket, the distinct outline of a cigarette pack showing through.

A chorus of grunts and "sure why not's" affirmed their answer.

"Alright let's head out then." I stood up, and they all sent me questioning looks. "Well we can't smoke in here."

We sat on the dirty cement behind the gym. It was a scenic atmosphere. A cool breeze was streaming through palm trees and messing up my hair. The wind was good for covering our tracks too, made the smoke blow away faster. I took a long drag off of my cigarette. "So, tell me more about your little band."

Billie scrunched his nose, "what more is there to know? I mean, we're called green day, I'm the guitarist, mike plays bass, and tre's our drummer."

"Well like, what's your scene, y'know?"

Tre snorted, "we're rock man!" He busted out into an air-drum solo.

"You should come to one of our band practices!" mike suggested, getting all excited. "We're rehearsing on Sunday aren't we guys?" Unknown to them, I saw him cast a 'say yes' look at Billie and Tre.

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