ᴏɴᴇ: ᴜɴᴅᴇʀᴄᴏᴠᴇʀ

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Working undercover is an extremely stressful job. You basically work non-stop for days, weeks, months and even sometimes years. Not a lot of agents can pull it off or even want to, but that's all you ever wanted. You focused your entire career to one day be able to work undercover and you were beyond thrilled when the opportunity finally presented itself. Most agents have friends, families they don't want to be seperated from for long periods of time but you weren't one of those. You were a lone wolf, perfect for this kind of work.

For years you did small undercover jobs. Pretending to be a drug dealer or someone who wanted to buy drugs to bust entire operations wasn't foreign to you, you were great at it even. From there you worked your way up to bigger, more important jobs and more important also means more dangerous. Then one day, you were called on to work a big case.

''You've proved yourself, more than once. This is a big job, a long one. We need someone who won't be homesick or won't crack easily under pressure.'' Your supervisor had explained. ''You're still relatively new to the undercover world but we believe you are the perfect agent for the job. You aren't going to go alone, we are pairing you with another agent. The man is an absolute pro, if you follow what he says and does you'll both get out of there in one piece with a bust you'll be able to ride on for the rest of your career.''

Of course, you said yes.

You then spent weeks at the office being debriefed. They explained to you everything there was to know about the case, who you were supposed to be and what your endgame was.

Your job was to infiltrate a small group, a gang of some sort. Silas is the name of their leader and he's absolutely ruthless, a little bit mad even. He's not scared of anything or anyone and that makes him extremely dangerous. You never know what can make him tick.

''This is why it'll be important for you to follow your partner's lead. You need to trust him 100%. You don't do or say anything without him telling you first, you got it?''

Then, you get a chance to finally meet your partner. An agent named Chris. He's been with the FBI for years and he's one of the best at what he does. You had been told to meet him at a bar, a small local bar that had maybe 10 customers there every night and at least 7 of those were too drunk to even notice what was going on around them.


You arrived first, at least that's what you think because you don't know what Chris looks like but you're pretty sure he's not one of the extremely drunk men sitting around. At least you hope so, otherwise you're going to be dead within the first week.

You stop at the bar first, away from other customers and order a drink, or something that resembles one. You want to stay sharp but you also want to keep up with appearances. You thank the bartender, pay for your drink and go sit at a table. You chose one to the side but not secluded, the best way to not get any unwanted attention is by blending in you learned that early on.

You wait patiently, sipping your non-drink drink while looking around from time to time.

10 minutes after you've sat down, a man comes to sit at your table across from you while drinking from his glass of what looks like beer.

You don't even need to ask, you know that it's him.

In front of you sits a man with the bluest eyes you've ever seen, they are almost haunting. His hair and beard look so fluffy that your fingers almost itch to be able to run through either just to feel how soft it is. He's dressed casually but in a way that's appropriate for work, you can't help but notice that his button-down shirt seems to be a size too small, some of the buttons look like they are holding on for dear life to not pop open.

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