ᴛʜʀᴇᴇ: ᴛʀᴏᴜʙʟᴇ

195 9 1

He gets out of bed, putting his clothes back on.

You do the same and trade your shorts for a pair of jeans. You put on your shoes while Chris puts on his boots and you follow him outside and into his truck. He drives around in silence for about 20 minutes before stopping near a beach. He parks the truck and helps you out, then walks down the beach and sits close to the water.

It's dark and quiet outside, all you can hear is the sound of waves crashing on the shore and it's peaceful.

''You're miserable.'' Chris says once you've sat down.

''That's how you need me to be, right? To be as good as you at this job. My boss said that I needed to do whatever you told me to do. You told me to stop being myself, so I did. I do everything you tell me to do, the way you tell me to do it yet every day you get mad at me for something I did. We've been at it for months and there's not one day that I didn't do anything to mess up.'' You look down at your hand, digging in the sand with your fingers. ''I'll just focus, work harder and once we're done I'll quit. Maybe I can work security somewhere or something.''

''Dove, you're amazing at your job. The only reason we've gotten this far this quickly is because of you. The job is a success because of you. I've just been trying to protect you, because you've been doing so well and I'm scared that it's going too well. I'm always waiting for the other shoe to drop and I need to stay alert for when it happens. I'm sorry I've been so tough on you, I just realized today how much you've changed since we met, your little sparkle's gone and I feel horrible that it's because of me.'' He sighs. ''You're not the problem, I am. Please don't quit when we go home. You've got too much talent to waste it by being a security guard.''

You stare at him, waiting for the punchline but it never comes.

''You mean that?''

''I do. I need you a lot more than you need me.'' Chris admits.

''Yeah, you do.'' You tease him with a little smile.

''There she is.'' Chris grins. ''Are we good?''

''We are.''

Chris puts his arm around your shoulders and pulls you to his side to kiss your cheek. ''We need to get you pajamas pants. Toby has the biggest obsession over your legs, it creeps me out.''

''It creeps you out? Imagine how I feel.'' You laugh.

''Let's get you back to bed.''

Chris stands up first and offers you his hands to help you up.

''This is a nice spot.'' You take his hands and stand up. ''I'll have to come back once this is over.''

''In the meantime, I can get drive you anytime you want.'' He offers as you walk back towards his truck.

''Thank you.'' You smile and let him help you climb into his car.

When you get back home, everyone's still awake which isn't surprising.

''You know you don't have to leave every time you want to bang.''

You roll your eyes at Toby's comment. ''Bang? Seriously? What are we, teenagers? Use your big boy words Toby or don't speak at all.''

Chris opens the bedroom door and guides you inside with a hand on the small of your back. Once the door is closed, you change back into your shorts and crawl under the covers. ''What a perv.''

''That guy has issues.'' Chris says while taking his clothes off. He puts on a pair of sweats and a tank top before joining you under the covers.

''Serious ones.'' You lie down on your side and nuzzle your pillow while trying to get comfortable.

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