ᴛᴡᴏ: ʜᴏᴛ ᴀɴᴅ ᴄᴏʟᴅ

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Two months, that's how long it took to be completely in. The vibe changed greatly once Chris started to show that he trusted you and it helped speed up the process. You and him are friends now and it's much easier to pretend you're together when you have another kind of relationship with him.

''I wonder why Petra wanted us to come early tonight.'' You say to Chris while he's driving you over to Silas' house.

Usually on Fridays you show up around 9-10 pm but tonight Petra was very clear that you needed to be there by 7. ''Do you think they know?''

He shakes his head. ''No, otherwise they would have pretended like everything was normal until we got there.''

''Makes sense.'' You agree with him.

''You wearing the knife I got you?''

You nod. ''Put it in my boot, like you told me.''

''If things go south at least we're not unarmed.'' He glances at you. ''What do we do if things go south?''

''We try to convince them that we're legit, if they don't believe us then we fight our way out, we get in your truck and call for backup while getting our asses out of there.''


''If I make it out and you don't, I have to leave without you and not go back.''

He squeezes your hand with his, the coldness of his rings giving you goosebumps. ''We got this.''

You take a deep breath as he parks and you get out of the truck at the same time he does. He locks the doors and rounds the car to join you. He puts his keys in your pocket, in case you need to make a run for it, then takes your hand as you walk towards the door. Chris walks in without knocking like he's been doing for weeks. Silas' the one who told him that you were always welcomed and didn't need to knock anymore.

Chris likes it because that way if there's anything bad going on, he can take them by surprise and the surprise can give you advantage for either running away or making arrests.

You shut the door behind the two of you and follow Chris deeper into the house. He puts his arm around you as you walk and brings you close to kiss your cheek.

''Game face on, Dove.'' He whispers so close to your ear that his facial hair tickles you.

''The lovebirds are finally here!'' Petra says when she sees you come in. ''Get it? Lovebirds? Dove?''

''You should quit your day job and become a comedian, sold out venues every night.'' You tease her.

''Whatever.'' She rolls her eyes and invites you to sit down next to her on the floor. ''Silas wants to say something to you guys.''

Chris sits on the couch behind you, always staying close, while you sit with Petra.

Silas walks in a few seconds later, the man does love being dramatic and loves making an entrance even more.

''We've been making you do a few jobs for a month now.'' He starts and you nod. ''So far everything's been going great and my dear Petra has been vouching for you since day one so... Welcome to the team.''

''That's why you wanted us to come over so early?'' You look at the blonde sitting next to you.

''Yes and no.'' She grins. ''Now that you're part of the team, you gotta get the ink!''

''Now?'' You ask, surprised. Petra nods. ''And who's going to do that?''

''I am.'' She says proudly.

Great, you think. Now you need to get three black blobs somewhere on your body. Somewhere you can hide, hopefully.

''You ok?'' She asks you, staring at you.

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