ꜰɪᴠᴇ: ᴅᴏᴠᴇ

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You stare out of the window, trying to find a restaurant where you can eat.

"There's a diner to your right in 3 miles." You turn to look at Chris just in time to see him nod.

"I can't wait to eat something that isn't junk food. I think the first thing I'm going to eat when I'm home is a salad." He says, laughing.

You laugh too and agree with him. "I miss fruits and vegetables."

Chris parks his truck in front of the diner and turns off the engine. "Maybe they have apple pie."

"Don't be a tease." You stick out your tongue and climb out of his truck.

He laughs, gets out too and comes to meet you in front of it.

"I gotta ask." You take Chris' hand that he's holding out for you. "Why did you get such a big truck? I almost need a ladder to get in there. Are you overcompensating for something I should know about?" You whisper the last part.

He throws his head back and laughs. "I wouldn't worry about that if I were you." He winks and holds the door of the diner for you, still holding your hand and following right behind you.

You are pretty sure this is the first time you've seen Chris laugh so freely and genuinely and you're already madly in love with the way his eyes light up and how the corners of them wrinkles. You'd purposely slip on hundreds of banana peels if it meant he'd laugh like that every time.

The nice waitress from the front counter leads you to a booth in the corner, right below the big windows at the front of the diner.

You let go of his hand to sit on the booth across from him, thanking the waitress when she hands you both a menu. You put it down in front of you and open it to start looking through it. You flip through the first page and as your eyes roam around the second page, Chris reaches over the table and covers your left hand in his right hand. You look up and smile when you see that he's focused on the menu, meaning he was just seeking you out and wants to be close to you in some type of way.

"Do you know what you're getting?" He looks up after a few minutes.

"No. You?"


You both start to laugh.

You shut the menu and put it at the edge of your table. "I'll go for the caesar salad, I apologize in advance for my garlic breath."

Chris smiles and puts his menu on top of yours. "I'll order the same thing, that way we'll both have garlic breath."

"Smart thinking."

"I don't know if it's smart but it got me this far so at the very least it's reliable." He jokes.

The waitress comes over when she notices the closed menus. "Ready to order?"

Chris orders for the both of you and she leaves with your menus, coming back shortly after with glasses of water.

Chris takes your left hand and lifts up to his lips to kiss your palm, making you smile.

"I like this side of you." You tilt your head to the side while looking at him.

"It's just for you." He smiles and brings your hand back down.

"I would hope so." You chuckle.

"I'm all yours, baby."

From the way he's looking at you, you believe him. There's not even a doubt in your mind. You're all his and he's all yours.

He tugs on your hand and moves closer to the window. "Come sit with me."

You stand up and sit back down next to him. It doesn't take long before his arm is around your waist and he's nuzzling the side of your neck.

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