ꜰᴏᴜʀ: ʜᴇᴀʀᴛ-ᴛᴏ-ʜᴇᴀʀᴛ

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You follow Chris to your room and close the door, putting on the lock that he installed earlier in the week. You turn on the radio and raise the volume almost to the max to make sure no one can listen in.
"You better never EVER lecture me about screwing things up. What the fuck was that out there? You were completely out of control, you could have gotten us busted and killed. I'm not even sure if we're safe right now, I don't know how much they saw."
You start pacing around the small space of your room. "Silas is in a mood tonight too. This isn't good Chris, it really isn't."
You almost jump out of your skin when someone knocks on the door.
You grab your gun from your nightstand and tuck it in the back of your pants before unlocking the door and opening it a crack.
"Hey." Petra says, looking at you. "Is everything ok? We heard a lot of noises coming from the kitchen but we didn't see anything and by the time we went to check on you you were gone."
You can feel the tension leaving your body at her words and you open the door a little wider.
"Chris took care of it, it's fine. It's just a shitty night, I'm gonna turn in for the night."
"Arturo's looking for you." The blonde quickly says before you close the door.
Suddenly, Chris gets control over his body again and he walks to the door to stand behind you.
"Tell him he can talk to her tomorrow." He pushes the door close and takes the gun from your back, putting it back in the nightstand.
You lock the door again and turn to stare at Chris. You find him glaring at you, like he's mad.
"That anger in your face better not be for me." You warn him. "You have no right being mad at me after what you just pulled."
You wait for him to say something, but nothing happens. You shake your head annoyed and grab your toothbrush and the clothes you sleep in.
‘’Do you love him?’’ Chris asks you before you get a chance to open the door and walk out.
‘’What?’’ You frown, looking for any sign that he’s joking on his face but find none.
‘’Arturo, do you love him?’’
‘’No.’’ You answer without hesitating.
‘’Silas says that he does.’’
‘’That’s why you’re pissed at me? For something that I can’t even control?’’
‘’I’m not angry.’’
‘’Tell that to your face.’’
‘’I’m jealous, not angry.’’
You pinch the bridge of your nose, getting annoyed with Chris being vague and only giving short answers. Then it suddenly hit you.
‘’Are you love with him?’’ You ask Chris, looking at him again.
The stunned look on his face answered your question.
‘’I’m jealous of him, not you.’’
‘’Why?’’ You frown, just as confused as you were at the beginning of this conversation. Maybe even more.
‘’Because.’’ He sighs and walks over to you, standing in front of you. ‘’All of it is real for him.’’
‘’So, you miss home? That’s ok. I don’t see why it concerns me, though.’’
Chris would be smiling at how oblivious you are if he wasn’t so on edge because of Silas.
‘’Do you know why I’ve been so cold to you? Keeping you at arm’s length even after I said we needed to be more affectionate in front of the others or constantly reminding you that this,’’ he waves his finger between the two of you. ‘’is my job.’’
‘’To keep me in check? To make me a better agent? Because you don’t like me very much? I don’t know, you’ve given me a lot of reasons and I don’t remember them all.’’
‘’That was all bullshit. It’s because you made me break my own rule for when I’m under. I gave myself one rule and I had never broken it until I was paired up with you.’’
You lean back against the door and almost roll your eyes, of course this is your fault. Again.
‘’What did I do this time?’’
‘’You made me fall for you, so fucking hard. I can’t pretend to be your boyfriend because I want it to be real so badly that pushing you away is the only thing I can do. I keep almost messing up the job because I can’t get you out of my head. I hate that Arturo gets to be so carefree with you and I can’t.’’
You stare at Chris with wide eyes. How did all of this happen? You’ve been so sure that Chris couldn’t stand you, that every time he offered you an olive branch and quickly returned to his old ways was because he just didn’t like you and didn’t want to be around you but was stuck on this assignment.
‘’It’s also why I saw red and lost control 10 minutes ago. On top of the fact that you didn’t want him anywhere near you and even less with his hands on you, my stupid brain just kept repeating mine, mine, mine and protect, protect, protect like I’m so kind of fucking wild animal.’’
‘’But you kept being mad at me.’’ You whisper, still extremely confused and surprised.
‘’Being mad was the only way I found to get myself under control. I can’t be around you when you smile or you laugh because it makes me weak in the knees. I have to look away every time I see you being nice to someone or taking care of them because it makes my heart melt, like that morning you made me breakfast. You made something just for me, you even hid it to make sure no one else but me would be eating it. I just love how fucking smart you are and that you always know what to do and you aren’t afraid to go against what I say because you’re smarter than I am and you know your thing’s going to work a hell of a lot better than my thing.’’ He smiles fondly and lifts his hand up to your face to give your cheek one quick stroke of his thumb before pulling away.
‘’You idiot.’’ You punch him in the arm, not strong enough to hurt but just to shake him up a bit. ‘’If you hadn’t been so damn busy pushing me away and forcing yourself to be mad all the time, you would have noticed how I act around you.’’
‘’What’s that supposed to mean? Also, ow.’’ He rubs at his shoulder.
‘’I punched your other arm.’’ You roll your eyes. ‘’Since you’ve been painfully aware this whole time of how you’ve been acting, would you still be talking to you if you were me? Would you constantly be seeking you out or looking for validation from you whether it was about work or a damn breakfast sandwich?’’
‘’How stupidly in love does someone have to be to keep coming back to something like that?’’
‘’Big time stupid.’’
When he doesn’t move or say anything, you realize that he doesn’t understand what you’re trying to say. ‘’I’m going to let you think about everything I just said while I go change and brush my teeth.’’ You push yourself off the door, unlock it and walk out to head to the bathroom.
You notice that only Petra and Silas are left in the living room and with the way they are sucking face and tugging at each other’s clothes it won’t be long before they go to his room. God, you hope they will go to his room and not give everyone a free show.
While you change and brush your teeth, you take some time to think about everything Chris just confessed to you. He’s been a dick, there’s no denying it, but in your field you can’t really allow yourself to have weaknesses. Especially when you’re undercover and that one wrong move could get you killed. You are also dreading going back to your room. What if after everything you just admitted to him, he still tells you that you can’t be together because it’s too dangerous? What are you going to do if the one person who you trust with your life rejects you and then you still have to pretend to be together and keep sleeping in the same bed as him every night.
You really hadn’t thought this through, you just got swept up in the moment of Chris saying all the right things and then you ended up saying some things you will probably regret.
Now that you think about it, really think about it, you’re sure that he’s going to turn you down. He chose being an asshole to you over letting himself have feelings for you, of course he’s going to tell you that it needs to stay professional between the two of you.
‘’You’re such an idiot.’’ You whisper while looking at yourself in the mirror.
Maybe if you pretend like nothing happened, then he’ll just roll with it and give you a chance to avoid being embarrassed and slightly humiliated.
You take your clothes and toothbrush in your hands and walk out of the bathroom.
‘’Damn it guys, your room is literally 6 feet away.’’ You say in passing to Petra and Silas who are going at it on the couch while trying to cover both your eyes and ears at the same time but failing miserably.
You hurry back to your room and quickly close the door behind you. ‘’Just an FYI, Petra and Silas are going at it on the couch in the living room. I just saw and heard things I can never unsee and unhear.’’ A shiver of disgust makes your skin crawl as you put your clothes in the hamper and your toothbrush on the dresser.
You turn around and finally realize that your room is empty. Chris is not there anymore. You can’t help but feel sad because even though you knew this wasn’t going to have a happy ending, a small part of you still hoped that maybe Chris was just so madly in love with you that he couldn’t let you go. That wasn’t the case.
You get in bed and under the covers, lying on your side facing away from Chris’ side of the bed. You close your eyes while wondering where he could have gone at this hour. He’s probably trying to reach your boss to find a way to get you transferred out.
You hug your pillow tightly as you feel a few tears escaping through your closed eyelids.
A few hours later, at around 5 am, you get woken up.
‘’Please tell me that’s drool on your pillow and that you weren’t crying.’’ Chris whispers.
You open your eyes to find him kneeling on the ground to be at eye level with you. ‘’Just go to sleep.’’ You say quietly, closing your eyes again.
‘’Arturo called my cell while you were in the bathroom. He ran out after what happened and he got arrested for being too drunk on the streets. I had to go pick him up but I didn’t think it would take this long. I told Petra and Silas so they’d tell you.’’ You open your eyes and look at him to see if he’s lying.
‘’I got back two minutes ago.’’
You sit up in bed, rubbing at your eyes as you try to wake up while your brain is screaming at you to just go back to bed. ‘’Is he ok?’’
‘’Yeah, he’s fine. Toby’s watching him.’’ Chris stands up and sits on the edge of the mattress next to you. He sits in a way that he’s facing you, thigh to thigh though yours are under the covers. He puts one of his hands on the other side of your thighs and leans on it. He cups your cheek with the other one and brushes his thumb over the skin under your eye, frowning with concern when he notices that your eyes are slightly swollen. It wasn’t that visible or noticeable but he had looked into those beautiful eyes often enough to see the difference.
He rests his forehead against yours and closes his eyes. ‘’I’m sorry.’’
‘’It’s ok.’’ You say quietly, still looking at him.
‘’No, it’s not.’’ He leans back while opening his eyes. ‘’I tell you that I’m in love with you and all I ever do is hurt you.’’
You look away, unsure of where this conversation is going. You sincerely hope he didn’t wake you up in the middle of the night to reject you.
Chris pulls you into a long, loving kiss. Only holding your cheek to give you a chance to pull away if you don’t want to be kissing him. Your hands go to his bomber jacket that he’s still wearing and pull him closer to you, almost scared that he’ll slip away if you don’t. Chris pulls away to breathe but stays close, his hand on your cheek moves down your body all the way under your shirt at the small of your back. The coldness of his rings against your skin gives you goosebumps, he lets out a low chuckle when he feels a few chills running through you.
Once he’s judged that you’ve both got enough air, he presses his lips to yours again this time asking right away to deepen the kiss as your arms move to wrap around his neck. The hand on the small of your back lays flat on your skin, gently pushing you closer to him until he’s satisfied by the distance, or lack thereof, between you two.
Unfortunately this time around you get breathless a lot quicker and you soon have to pull away to breathe.
‘’We should try to get a few hours of sleep before the others wake us up to do god knows what.’’ You suggest quietly.
‘’You’re right.’’ He gives you a quick peck and stands up, rounding the bed to get to his side. He takes off  his jeans, jacket and shirt, and climbs into bed. He moves to lie behind you and pushes his front flush to your back.
‘’Good night, baby.’’ You say while closing your eyes, your eyelids are already drooping and make it that much easier to fall back asleep.
He grins and kisses the back of your head. ‘’Good night, baby.’’ He whispers close to your ears as he closes his eyes shortly after you.
5 minutes later, you’re both sleeping peacefully just as the sun begins to rise outside.
Your not so silent roommates wake you up a little after noon as they stumble out of their rooms. You slowly open your eyes and try to stretch but Chris' body is wrapped up so close to yours that you can't move. You can't help but smile at both how close to you he is and the fact that the commotion outside of your room doesn't wake him up.
Carefully, you slip out of bed and slide your pillow under Chris' arm that was around you a few seconds ago so as to not disturb him and wake him up. He needs a few more hours of sleep.
You easily walk around your dark bedroom, now that you've been here a while you finally know your surroundings. You tiptoe around the bed to grab clean clothes and what you need for your shower before silently leaving the room. When you see that the bathroom is empty, you quickly walk in and close the door to take a hot shower before Toby empties the hot water tank, again.
You're just stepping out of the shower when Toby pounds on the door saying he needs to pee.
"Give me 5 minutes or go outside." You tell him through the door as you dry yourself off with your towel and put on the pair of jeans and sweatshirt you grabbed on your way out of the room.
You walk out of the bathroom 2 minutes later, trying to dry off your hair as best as possible with your towel.
"Fuckin' finally." Toby mumbles under his breath as he locks himself up in the bathroom.
You roll your eyes, dropping your things on the coffee table before heading to the kitchen after quickly brushing your hair.
"Nice to see you dressed." You say to Petra when you see her sitting at the kitchen table.
"What do you mean?" She asks, with a mouthful of food.
"Do you really need to have sex on the couch when your room is six feet away?"
"Sorry." She shrugs, clearly not sorry in the least bit.
"Wait." Toby calls out from the living room. He just got out of the bathroom and is now sitting on one of the couches to play his video game that he still can't figure out. "Which couch?!"
You turn to look at him. "Do you want the truth or do you want me to lie to you?"
"Aw, gross." He stands up and sits on the ground.
You make yourself a quick breakfast and sit at the kitchen table to eat.
"How are you this morning, Dovey?" Silas asks, staring at you.
You chew slowly before swallowing, a frown appearing on your face. "I'm ok. Why?"
"You seemed angry last night."
"I was." You take another bite.
"I think it was stupid and dangerous what happened last night. You keep saying we're a family but you don't do that kind of thing to family." You shrug.
He nods. "You're right. You're a fierce mama bear, Dovey."
You hum while finishing your breakfast.
When you're done, you clean up the table and head back to the sink to put the dishes down. You wash everything and put the clean dishes away before deciding to make breakfast for Chris for when he wakes up.
You tune out everyone while cooking, thinking about what happened last night with Arturo and how everything could have gone so horribly wrong. Instead of cleaning dishes this morning you could have been cleaning up brain matter from the walls. This case really needs to end before something bad happens. Silas is so unstable that you can never predict what he's going to do or what he's going to say. One minute he seems fine and the next he's having a crazy idea that could get someone killed. You need to figure out ways to make the case move along faster without risking ruining everything or putting anyone in danger. You'll have to talk to Chris about it maybe later today if you can get away. There are a few recording devices hidden in the house that you need to listen to but for that you'll have to be sure that no one is around.
"Whatcha making?"
You jump at the voice coming from behind you.
Chris chuckles when he sees you react. "How far away were you?"
"Too far to hear you walking in." You laugh quietly.
He wraps his arms around your waist and rests his chin on your shoulder. "Are you making me breakfast?"
"Maybe it's for me."
"You hate pepper." He points out.
"I do." You agree.
"I love pepper."
"You do."
"There's a bunch of pepper in there." He looks down at the pan.
"Maybe I'm trying to make myself like pepper."
"Yeah? Take a bite."
"Fine." You huff. "It's for you."
He laughs. "That's what I thought."
You turn off the stove and put his breakfast on a plate. "I'd give it to you but I can't move." There is no wiggle room between you and his body or you and the stove. You barely managed to get it on the plate without dropping anything.
"Well, I had plans to stay in bed and snuggle but you were gone when I woke up so that's on you." He nuzzles the side of your neck with his nose, his beard scratches your skin just enough to tickle and give you goosebumps. "Evil little thing, you know what it does to me when you make me breakfast." He whispers and kisses your neck. "And you're wearing my sweatshirt." He bites your neck in the same spot he just kissed.
You smile and lean against him. "If it's too much for you, I can give your breakfast to someone else and you can have cereal instead."
"Over my dead body." He presses his lips behind your ear while taking his plate and stepping back to let you move. He takes your hand with his free hand. "Grab me a fork please."
Which you do, of course, and follow him as he leads you to the kitchen table. He puts his plate down on the table and sits, taking you down with him. He places you on his lap and takes the fork you hand him.
"Oh, looks like Chris and Dovey are hot again." Silas says when he sees you two together.
You simply roll your eyes and ignore him. If only he knew.
Chris chooses to ignore him as well, focusing instead on eating his breakfast.
"Any plans for today?" You ask after a few awkward moments of total silence.
"Nah. I'm beat." Petra says.
"I bet."
"Oh my god, let it go."
"Are you going to pay for the therapy I'll definitely be needing?" You arch a brow, crossing your arms.
"It wasn't that bad."
"It was from where I was."
"Next time you just have to join in." Silas chimes in.
"What's with everyone trying to get into my girl's pants?" Chris asks rhetorically, slightly annoyed.
"Maybe we all notice how… unsatisfied she looks and want to change that." Silas eggs him on.
Chris flips him off while kissing your shoulder. "Thanks for breakfast, it was great. Like always." He grins.
‘’You’re welcome.’’ You say, smiling.
You move to stand up while taking Chris’ now empty plate and go back in the kitchen to wash it. Chris quickly follows you and watches as you clean everything up.
‘’What do you want to do today?’’ He asks, leaning against the counter next to you.
‘’Relax, rest.’’ You stand in front of him with your hands on your hips.
‘’I’m gonna go take a shower and then we can spend the rest of the day in bed.’’
‘’I like that plan.’’ You grin, happy to be able to spend some alone time with him.
He puts a hand on the back of your head and kisses your forehead. ‘’Give me 20 minutes.’’
You nod and go sit next to Toby on the floor of the living room while Chris grabs the things he needs from your room and then goes take his shower.
‘’Can I try it?’’ You ask, pointing at the controller.
‘’Sure.’’ He shrugs and gives it to you. ‘’It’s not like you can do worse than me.’’
It takes you a few minutes to get the hang of it but within 10 minutes you have gone through 2 levels.
‘’How are you doing all of this?’’ Toby asks, confused as to how you managed to do better than in 10 minutes while he’s been at it for days.
‘’You just follow the clues.’’
‘’What clues?’’
‘’See, that’s why you’ve been stuck for so long.’’
You spend a few more minutes showing him how to collect clues and give the controller back to him to watch him play.
‘’There you go!’’ You cheer him on.
Chris appears in front of you wearing a pair of grey sweats and a white tank top, looking down at you.
‘’Has it been 20 minutes already?’’
‘’It’s been 30. I have been out for 15 minutes.’’
‘’Oops. Sorry.’’ You give him an apologetic smile. ‘’I finally found out why Toby’s been sucking so bad.’’
‘’Does that mean you want to stay here?’’
‘’No!’’ You stand up and take the hand he’s holding out for you.
‘’What about the game?’’ Toby asks without looking away from the screen.
‘’Figure it out.’’ You say over your shoulder as you follow Chris back to your room.
You let go of his hand to go change into pajama shorts, putting your jeans back in a drawer. Chris’ sitting on the edge of the bed, watching you, and when you’re done he pulls you close to him with his hands on your hips. He moves you until you’re standing between his legs then he lets go of your hips, putting his hands on the back of your thighs instead.
‘’I thought we said no more shorts.’’
‘’You said no more shorts out there, I’m in here.’’ You put your hands on his shoulders.
‘’Mh, I’ll allow this loophole.’’ He smiles playfully and tries to kiss you but you stop him by covering his mouth with your hand.
‘’We need to talk about work stuff first.’’ You whisper in his ear, in case someone is listening on the other side of the door.
You take off your hand from on top of his mouth.
‘’Here?’’ He whispers back. 
You shrug. ‘’We don’t really have a choice.’’ You answer quietly.
‘’Can I get a kiss first?’’ He pouts.
‘’Nope.’’ You chuckle and get on the bed, lying on your side.
Chris does the same so that you can lie face to face and you get as close as possible to speak as quietly as possible.
‘’I think we need to hurry with the case, we need to close it soon.’’
‘’We need something that’ll stick first. We can’t risk him being let off the hook on a technicality.’’ He takes your hand in his and intertwines your fingers together between your bodies. ‘’What’s going on?’’
‘’What happened last night with Arturo, it scares me. Silas seems to be unhinged and he’s unpredictable. What if he chooses to play games like that on a regular basis and we end up getting killed in a stupid game of russian roulette?’’
‘’I won’t let anything happen to you.’’ He kisses the back of the hand he’s holding in his.
‘’You can’t always be there.’’ You point out to him.  ‘’I just want us both to leave in one perfectly safe piece.’’
‘’We have to be patient. We can try to find things but we can’t risk blowing our cover. We gotta be extremely careful, if we try to rush things that’s what might get us killed.’’
‘’You’re right.’’ You sigh, slightly embarrassed by everything you just admitted. ‘’Sorry.’’
He frowns. ‘’Sorry for what?’’
‘’For suggesting something stupid.’’
‘’It wasn’t a stupid suggestion. You gotta trust your gut and I’d rather you tell me when you feel like this, that way I can help you. There’s no judgment here as long as you got my back and I got yours. That’s how being partners work. We are a team, ok?’’
‘’Ok.’’ You say, feeling a little better.
‘’Anything else that’s been bothering you?’’
‘’No, that’s it.’’
He closes in to press his lips to yours in what started as a very sweet and soft kiss but rapidly turned heated and needy. His hand goes to your back to keep you pressed up against him while yours goes to the back of his head to make sure he’s not going anywhere. He kisses the corner of your mouth, your cheek, nips at your jawline before moving on to your neck to give you both a chance to catch your breath as the two of you are panting heavily. ‘’Your skin is so soft.’’ He says between kisses and bites. You chuckle quietly.
‘’Thank you.’’
He pushes you to lay on your back while he settles between your legs, lying on top of you. He moves away from your neck to look down at you with a big, goofy grin that makes your heart melt in your chest.
He runs his fingers up your arms and puts his hands in yours, intertwining your fingers above your head. You give him goosebumps when you gently squeeze his hands in yours and smile at him, a fond look in your eyes. A look that he doesn’t think he deserves but he would fight anyone who tries to take it away from him.
‘’So beautiful.’’ He kisses your forehead and the tip of your nose, making you giggle. ‘’You drive me so crazy that it’s the middle of the afternoon and I’m locked up in my room, making out on my bed like a teenager.’’
You both laugh quietly and he kisses you again but this time he takes his time. It’s sweet and soft, full of emotions that he’s too scared to say out loud for many different reasons.
The moment is ruined a minute later when someone bangs on the door. Chris pulls away long enough to tell whoever’s on the other side of the door to get lost and then goes back to his very meticulous job of making you feel loved.
The banging starts again, Chris’ head falls to your shoulder as he groans now clearly irritated.
You can’t help up but chuckle at his reaction.
‘’Give me my gun, I’m gonna kill whoever is on the other side if they knock again.’’
Chris almost jumps out of bed when the banging resumes. He hurries to the door, takes off the lock and swings the door open.
‘’Where’s Dove, I need her help.’’ Toby asks, trying to look over Chris’ shoulder.
‘’Her help for what?’’
‘’My game, I’m stuck.’’
‘’Didn’t you hear me when I told you to get lost like 15 seconds ago? Dove’s busy, figure it out on your own.’’
Toby finally notices Chris’ disheveled state: messy hair (as messy as his short hair can get), swollen lips and shallow breaths. 
‘’Can’t you get laid after she’s done helping me?’’
Chris just slams the door in his face and locks it again.
‘’You need to stop being nice to people.’’ He points a finger at you and gets back on the bed, lying on his back next to you.
‘’Are you ok?’’ You turn your head to the side to look at him, clearly amused by the whole situation.
He turns his head, too and his eyes soften when they meet yours. The anger and annoyance from a few moments ago is completely gone. He brings his hand to your face and runs his finger over your cheek, softly brushing the skin. ‘’As long as I have you, I’ll always be ok.’’
Usually this kind of thing being said makes you cringe because of how cheesy it is but the sincere look in his eyes makes you believe that it’s not just a line, he truly means it and that makes your heart skip a few beats as it flutters in your chest.
‘’Can I ask you something?’’
He gives you a small nod. ‘’Of course you can.’’
‘’Do you think you’ll still feel like this once it’s all over and we’re back home?’’ You ask quietly.
Chris’ movements stop on your cheek and his brows furrow when his brain registers the underlying question: are his feelings real or is it just because you’ve been stuck together for months and will be stuck together for who knows how much longer.
Chris removes his hand from your cheek and turns to lie on his side facing you, now a lot closer to you than he was a few seconds ago. You turn your head as he moves to keep looking at him as he looks down at you. He stares at you long enough to think about how he can explain how he feels in a way that will make you believe that this is real to him. He moves to hold your chin between his thumb and index finger, the tip of his thumb brushes over your bottom lip again and again as if he's trying to soothe an ache that he can't see.
"When I said that this usually never happens, it's true. It's not a line that I'm using to get you to trust me. I've been doing this for so many years, I've been in a lot of situations with other partners that I had to pretend to date, some for even longer than we have been. One was for over a year and not once did I cross the line, because I didn't want to. I didn't have a reason to. I know how to separate real and fake, it's one skill that I have mastered over the years and it has saved me from a lot of bad situations or rough transitions when it was time to go home." He moves his hand up to your cheek and holds it gently against his palm. "How I feel about you is real. I never would have said anything or acted on it if it wasn't, I never would have put you at risk or played with your feelings over nothing. So yes, when we leave here I'll still feel the exact same way than I do today. Whether we leave tomorrow, in six months or a year. If anything I just get crazier about you every day." He smiles and leans down to kiss your forehead. He lets his lips linger on your skin for a couple of seconds before lifting himself back up.
Even if he had to whisper the entire time to make sure no one heard him, it didn't take away anything from what he said. The weight of his words stayed the same and you'd even go as far to say that they felt even more real just because they were said for your ears and your ears only.
You put your hand on top of his on your cheek to keep it in place while you turn your head to kiss the inside of his palm.
"Thank you." You look back at him and in this moment you don't need to say anything more because Chris can see all your emotions in your eyes and that's more than enough for him to know that he convinced you to believe him and that you feel the same way he does.
He leans down to kiss you one more time before sitting up.
"Let's get dressed, we're going out." He smiles at you.
"What happened to staying in bed all day?" You tease him, but you still sit up.
"Already can't get enough of me, uh?" He wiggles his eyebrows. "Don't worry baby, we'll come back later. I just want to eat dinner without all of them around." He jerks a thumb over his shoulder to where the living room is on the other side of the wall.
You slap his arm and get out of bed. "Dork." You change back into the pair of jeans you had on earlier.
"It's sexy dork to you, princess." He smacks his lips loudly against your cheek before getting dressed too.
"Where are we going? Can I drive?" You ask him while putting on your combat boots.
"I don't know where we're going and I might let you drive on the way home. Might." He emphasizes.
"Why?" You pout, standing back up.
"You might be a menace behind the wheel, I don't know, I've never seen you drive. You might crash my truck."
You look at him with your hands on your hips. "You do know I had to take the same driving test as you did, right?"
"I wouldn't be surprised if the driving instructor took one look at your pretty face and passed you on the spot just because you smiled at him."
"Why would he have done that?"
"Because that's what I would have done." He grins and walks to the door to unlock it and opens it for you.
You laugh and walk out, shaking your head at his nonsense.
Chris gives a gentle slap on your butt as you walk past him and follows you.
Before you could reach the front door, Toby asks where you're going from his spot on the floor.
"We're going to dinner." Chris says, nudging you towards the front door.
"Without us?"
"Yes, without you. I want some time alone with my girl and even with a locked door I can't manage to do that."
"Aw, poor baby can't get laid in peace." Toby fakes a pout.
Chris looks at him and flips him off with both hands before slamming the door shut and leading you to his truck.
He helps you up and quickly joins you inside from the other side. His truck roars to life and he pulls out of his parking space rapidly.
Meanwhile in the house, Silas tells Arturo to follow you.
"Why?" Arturo asks.
"Because I think they might be faking being together and I want to know why. Follow them all night." Silas orders, not leaving anything up for debate.

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