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The day is nice.
A little hot maybe.
She is tired.
A little tense maybe.
She rests her back on the rail
He walks in and she tenses up
She thinks.
He looks like himself maybe?
That's it.
It's an old case anyway.
He talks to the woman beside her.
Greets her a little cheerly.
She greets back.
She looks at her phone
A text.
A friend,
He looks jealous?
No, she's probably imagining it.
He leaves.
She looks at his friends,
The other girls.
No, not really.
It's been long.
It's not possible.
A spark?
Maybe but it's not the same.
She remembers last time,
Eager hands and passionate eyes.
They are deem now.
Three years is a long time.
She thinks
To still be on his case.
He is familiar
Yet distant
Like a dream
He was once home
A morning sun.
A refreshing breeze.
It's familiar
A little sad Maybe
All this time and yet nothing
Not even a word
Just a remembrance
Of something
Maybe what was once everything.

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