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He held out his hand.
It was crooked, seemingly crooked
It wasn't straight.

And she held it like she was obligated to.
He followed them, probing and asking
Lowering his gaze and mask.

She watched curious,
Hiding laughter behind her warm smile.

He reeked of alcohol of course
His lips chapped from taking if not chewing things she knew about

And he seemed a little drunk.

She wanted to burst our laughing but she held it in.

In as she asked questions,
In as she walked down the stairs
In as she walked to the exit.
In till he was out of sight.

But even then she held it in,
All the way home all the way into her room.

And then she let out a sigh.
The laughter still stuck inside her.

And finally at the dining table as her father explained the Ill state of his coworker and the strike at the firm then she burst out laughing.

Beans in the air and all.
And she couldn't stop Laughing even when her mother gave her a stern look.
Even when her father threatened punishment .

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28 ⏰

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