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" Is it wrong?"
She asked.
" That I want him to look at me like that.
That I want him to want no one else but me."
Pam thought as she looked at him.
He sat in front of her.
He looked at his girlfriend, Jillian.
(She) wasn't bad.
(She)was good, sweet even.

She had watched him all these years,
And she had watched him fall for (her.)
And now after swatching so long, she had finally come to terms with it.

He didn't love her.
Maybe didn't even like her.
And yet, he was everything she wanted.
She'd met him on her first day in school.
He'd taken her fallen pen and well She was smitten.
For long she denied her feelings for him.

He seemed interested at first,
But well, maybe she was wrong.

But she'd been fragile, needing of help and he'd been there.
And he'd been good.
What was he to expect of a girl?
Of course She had been sweeped.
Lost in him and now,

Well now he had chosen (her.)
She tried to keep her eyes off them

He turned to her.
" hello."
He said.

She smiled.

He seemed happy,
Giddy even
But not because of her.
She took her bag and left the room.

She would have to be content, with his friendship and push her feelings down.
It was worth it,
She thought.

If she couldn't have him,
Then it was better to have some of him.
Than nothing at all.

()represents the girlfriend.

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