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He stumbles in class and looks at her.
He was angry.
Mad even .
And she had done nothing ?

He looked at her hair and her smile.
Why couldn't he stop thinking about her.

He had known her forever.
Not really.
Only three years.

He never really talked to her.
He couldn't.
Words always went sour when she was around.
But no matter how angry he tried to be.
He softened at her voice.

So he sat behind her.
She looked amazing but something was wrong.
She looked a little off.

He could see her.
And he hated it, maybe.


The clouds had formed outside and he was walking back from the library when he spotted her.
She looked happy.
And beautiful.
She had a sundress on.
A red and beautiful one.
But she wasn't dressed for the weather.
He felt his anger rise.
That darn anger.

It started raining and he walked away.
Leaving her standing alone at the corner.
He walked a few miles away.
He had a coat on.
He couldn't get her out of his mind.
What was she going to do?
How would she get home.
She lived far away.

He kicked a pebble .
And turned.
He took an umbrella that seemed to have no owner and walked back.
She was still there.
Laughing at something funny on her phone.

He hesitated.
She took a step towards the rain.
To test its heaviness maybe.
She looked at the road.
And almost made a run for it.

He frowned.
He took his coat and walked towards her.
"Take it."
He said.
She hesitated.
" no I can't."
She said.

" I'm in your class
I'll get it tomorrow.
Take it and this umbrella too."
He said and walked away.

The drops were harsh on his skin.
Yet he felt better.
He smiled and made a run for it.

His and Hers.Pov.Where stories live. Discover now