Wet Shoes.

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It's crowded,
She looks at the floor at her shoes that are drier than before.
So many people are pushing.
"Let's see how many gentlemen there are."
She thinks.
He stops.
Let's her pass.
He has blue trousers, she can't tell about his shirt.
She takes a seat, and he sits next to her.
She looks at his face.
Excited, maybe.
Oh no.
She thinks
"I know him."
She thinks.
She feels tense,
Anxious maybe
Three hours and she has to remain cool.
She looks at her friend.
She can't tell
But she knows the unspoken rules.
The man isn't up for grabs.
She knows
Because she knows him and she knows her.
She looks at the screen and at her phone and the man beside her.

It's a lovely day.

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