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"I'm hideous."
She said and threw the mirror into the wall.
"No." I said. "How could you possibly not see how beautiful you are. Your nose your lips the way you carry yourself and the beauty in those eyes. Those magnificent eyes."
She was shocked.
" I guess no one has ever told you that nothing you do can possibly take that away.
Stop putting yourself under so much pressure. No one is meant to be perfect and you don't have to be perfect to be considered beautiful. You are and you always will be beautiful. "
She was holding back tears.
"Do you like me John?"
She asked.
"Yes I do. Very much."
I said.
She stared at me almost like every emotion was going through her at that moment.
" John."
She started.
" we can not do this. "
Her eyes were red.
I asked.
" Because you will promise me things that I will be too naive to believe and I will start having hopes and expectations and then you will leave and I can not loose you because I am afraid that I am already in love with you."


The words left my mouth .

"I love you. "
She said.
At that time there was nothing else left to do but to take her in my arms and kiss her.
To forget the state we were in.
It did not matter whether we were children of broken families with nothing but unresolved issues in our hearts.All that mattered was her.

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