No Ordinary Town

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No Ordinary Town

"Did you get anything?" the man asked, as his scavenging partner came out of the small, ruined hardware store.

"A bit of rope and some yard tools. It's pretty picked clean," the other said, as he looked around the dilapidated town. Truthfully, it seemed that this town was one of the better off ones. He had seen most towns this size completely leveled by destruction and looters. Mid-sized cities were disaster areas and it was said that New York was so dangerous now that the group that had taken the stronghold of leadership there murdered migrating people on sight. But this strange little town, though half of it had been decimated by a falling plane, almost seemed like it was fairing a bit better.

"You know Jake, I've lived in Maine my whole life and I ain't never heard of this town," he mentioned.

"So what?" Jake responded.

"So...I've traveled this whole state and I'm telling you, this Storybrooke ain't on any map," he answered.

" offense, but I'd be really surprised if you could even read a map," Jake replied.

"Very what now?" he grumbled.

"Well, you're not wrong about this little town not being a bad place to set up shop. A lot of these buildings are still solid...kind of weird," Jake mentioned.

"Yeah, it's out of the way and might make a good base. But what if someone's already claimed this turf?" Hank asked. Jake smirked and cocked his gun.

"I got a gun and that box of ammo we found that says we take it from them," he replied, as they headed for the Town Hall building and saw that it was being used to house people. The hall was filled with cots and it had been turned into a community living space. It would be perfect for their use, once they chased everyone out. They raised their guns and pointed them.

"Everyone out...this is our building now," Hank stated. Everyone in the whole place froze, as these two men strolled in. But no on moved, despite their weapons.

"Are you all deaf?" Jake bellowed. Hank waved his gun.

"Anyone who doesn't get out gonna get lead poisoning," he threatened.

"I don't think so..." an elderly man with an accent said. Hank looked amused.

"Is that so, old man? And what makes you think that? Because you can't possibly think you could take us," he hissed.

"He doesn't...but then he's not the ones you have to worry about," the ginger haired man next to him said.

"Oh and I suppose it's you, huh four eyes?" Jake spat.

"No...I think he means us," a female voice said. The two turned to find a man and a woman standing in the doorway, armed with a sword and a bow. The two snickered, as the one on the right raised his gun. But before he could get a shot off, the raven haired beauty shot an arrow and he found it sticking out of his hand faster than he could blink. He cried out in pain and dropped the gun. The other man was so shocked that he never saw the blonde man coming. He was elbowed in the face and quickly disarmed, finding himself in a headlock.

"Archie...Marco...grab those guns for us," David said, as Snow kept an arrow leveled at the other thug, just as Emma hurried in. She rolled her eyes half heartedly.

"Guess you two have this under control," she drawled, as David cuffed the one he had disarmed.

"I only have one pair of cuffs on me, so if you could get the other," he said. She smirked and gladly cuffed the other.

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