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Chapter 6: Reflection

David found her in the woods, near the Toll Bridge, assaulting a poor tree with arrows, as it became the target of her frustration. He watched her for a few moments, simply marveling at her, as he often did. Watching her was one of his favorite past times, after all. And he loved watching her practice with a bow. Her fluid grace and prowess as a warrior was awe-inspiring to him. Her fury was as beautiful as she was. He was glad she was finally allowing herself to let out her frustration and anger at the woman essentially responsible for keeping them apart for twenty-eight years.

Snow was always so quick to blame herself for everything, but even she had a breaking point and Regina's attitude had finally pushed her too far.

As usual, he waited in the wings with quiet patience, until she was ready to talk and be comforted.

She finally ran out of arrows and instead of going to retrieve them, she leaned against a tree and sighed deeply. She turned her head and met his eyes, as he waited patiently against his own tree.

"How long have you been there?" she asked.

"A while," he replied, as he opened his arms to her and she rushed into his embrace, finally accepting that she not only needed comforting, but deserved it.

"I didn't mean to lose my temper like that. I don't like doing that," she mentioned.

"I know...but she deserved it, you know. You are far more tolerant of her than she deserves," he replied. She sniffed.

"Most of the time, I don't let it get to me. But then Emma's ex just walked back into her life and it just hit me again. She went through so much, David...and she went through it alone!" Snow cried, as he cradled her in his arms.

"And all because of a secret I told. Our daughter grew up alone...because of me," Snow fretted.

"No...she grew up alone, because Regina cast a curse and we had no choice," he corrected.

"I'm not sure Emma feels that way," Snow muttered.

"I won't let you keep blaming yourself for this. You did not kill Daniel," he reminded.

"But he was killed because of me," she reminded back. But he shook his head.

"You don't really know that for sure. What if Cora already suspected? I told me that Daniel was their stable boy and taught Regina how to ride. They spent years together...I doubt there was no way that Cora didn't already suspect. She just used you to confirm it," he surmised. Snow thought about that for a moment and knew it was entirely possible.

"Why can't Regina see that?" Snow asked. He kissed her forehead.

"She doesn't want to, Snow. It's easier for her to hate you than to hate her own mother. But I'm tired of the way she treats you. It's time that she owns her part in all of this. Because of this curse, we're in a world that has seen the apocalypse and we may never get home. She's destroyed lives, but if she can finally let this go, then I know we can too. Because despite all this, we're still a family and we can be happy. At least, I know you and I can. Despite all this, I'm happy because I finally have the love of my life back," he said, as she looked up at him with tears shining in her eyes. He leaned down and kissed her tenderly.

"And we have our daughter and our grandson. We may have lost a lot of time, but it doesn't mean we don't have a broken as this world is," he reminded. She nodded and wiped her tears away.

"We still need to tell Henry...I don't want him to be mad at Emma. She shouldn't have lied, but she's already been through so much," Snow lamented and then realized something else.

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