Twist of Fate

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Chapter 8: Twist of Fate

New York City. The once sprawling skyscrapers that used to be a pristine cityscape of one of the largest cities in the world were crumbling in disarray, at least the ones that were still standing after the initial devastation of the blackout and the falling aircraft. The first winter had only accelerated the decay. Winter had hit New England in mid October that year and it had devastating results. The death toll on survivors just in the New York area was staggering and estimated at over half, though their record keeping was now very rudimentary.

The faction that had taken the stronghold of leadership in the area hoarded not just the weapons, but most of the food as well. And their rationing of resources had caused some death by starvation. And the ones that didn't starve to death were dying from influenza, bronchitis, and pneumonia; all ailments that were previously preventable and curable. But modern medicine was gone and the stores of pharmaceuticals was dwindling. And what remained was carefully kept for the elite members of the radical new faction that controlled what remained of their country.

"Report..." the faction's mysterious leader ordered. Not much was known about his life before the devastation happened. He was simply known as Cain. No one knew if that was his real name or if he had taken it symbolically, for Biblically, the man known as Cain was often thought to be the originator of mankind's evil after the murder of his brother Abel. Either way, he was a ruthless man that had risen in this new world with the clear intention of ruling and ruling tyrannically.

"There are whispers of an independent faction...somewhere in the wooded area of Maine," his subordinate, Gentry, reported.

"If the rumors are true, somehow they still have food, adequate shelter, and the winter nor disease has claimed any lives yet," she reported.

"How is that possible?" he questioned.

"We don't know," she offered regrettably, as he thought for a moment.

"Do you want me to send a detachment to Maine?" she questioned.

"No...I'm going myself. You're in charge," he ordered, as he left to gather his strongest soldiers for the journey to Maine that would take several months to accomplish.

Several Months later

It had been nearly a year since that fateful day. That fateful day of February twenty-eighth when the curse was broken and the event, now widely known as the Devastation occurred, nearly simultaneously. As the residents of Storybrooke braved his new reality together, the seasons changed around them.

Crops were planted and flourished, thanks to the abundance of seeds and planting equipment available. None of it had been needed during the curse, so quite a store had been built up. Summer was fairly good to them and they had a successful and abundant harvest. They had all worked tirelessly at the farming duties, which David had led them through. They had sheared sheep for the wool to make winter clothing, canned all the vegetables they could for storage and preservation, and bottled all the freshwater they could find. All their stores were taken to the cavern beneath the library via the hand operated elevator, that despite the absence of electricity, still operated, albeit requiring quite a bit more muscle to do so. And it was a good thing since the winter hit them with a vengeance. So far though, thanks to the good store of medicine they still had, as well as food and water, they had not lost anyone yet.

Though their situation was far from ideal, they still found ways to find happiness. Snow and David were in love as ever. Emma had grown very close to her parents and Henry to his grandparents. Regina and Snow had managed to mend their relationship as well, while Belle and Rumple had finally been able to forge a relationship without the laments of magic and the Dark One hanging over them. In addition, Emma and Neal were growing close again. There were still things they needed to work out, but Henry had drawn them back together and they were starting to rediscover their feelings, so much so that Neal and Tamara had broken up. It was awkward, but then no one missed the way she seemed to gravitate toward Greg, even before she and Neal broke it off.

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