Unwelcome Interlopers

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Chapter 9: Unwelcome Interlopers

Belle gently dabbed a cool cloth on Hook's forehead, all while giving him a very wary look.

"Thank you love," he said, as he noticed her weariness.

"I take it you remember me," he muttered.

"All too well, Captain," she answered.

"For what it's worth, I am sorry for that. It was never personal...just a man seeking revenge," he said, as he looked at the Crocodile.

"I'm sure you understand that," he added.

"Comparing us will not bode well for you, pirate," Rumple hissed. Hook smirked and looked to Regina.

"It's lovely to see you again, Your Majesty," he said.

"She was supposed to be dead years ago...I saw her in the tomb, back in our land," Regina said.

"Yes...that was a deception, I'm afraid. Cora knew you didn't want her to come with you and the curse, but she also knew that you'd need your mother someday," he replied.

"Well, I don't...she would have caused nothing but trouble," Regina spat.

"That's an understatement, though I would have enjoyed seeing the life leave her eyes," Rumple agreed.

"Rumple..." Belle scolded.

"I'm sorry Belle, but Cora would have burned this town to the ground if she was given the opportunity," he said.

"Aye...that was her plan, among other things. She was so sure there was magic here when we came through the portal," he mentioned.

"You know, I imagined a lot of things when you told me about the curse, but nothing quite as bad as this. You really condemned your subjects to some deplorable conditions," he added.

"You think I did this?" Regina questioned.

"You mean this isn't the curse?" he asked.

"No...I happened to curse us to a very nice town, with modern amenities. This all happened as the curse was breaking and I had nothing to do with it," Regina replied.

"I'm not sure I understand," he said.

"There was an apocalyptic type event in the outside world that happened just as Emma broke the curse. Believe it or not, Storybrooke fared a bit better than the rest of the world," Belle replied.

"Yes...and the potion I made to bring magic to Storybrooke was destroyed in the fall out," Rumple added.

"Too bad for you," Hook leered.

"This world is ruined. Animals are becoming scarce, the winters are too harsh, and if we have a bad crop in the warmer months, then it's all over. We're not even sure we'll all survive this coming winter," Regina said.

"Well then...perhaps I'll end up being your Savior," Hook replied.

"You're no Savior. If you have a way back, you'll help us in order to save your own skin," Rumple retorted.

"Details," Hook said, hissing in pain, as Whale arrived, scrubbed as best as he could be in these conditions and ushered them all away, except for his nurse.

"Okay nurse...go with the ether," he said, as she used the crude method to put their patient to sleep, before Whale picked up his scalpel.

When they arrived at Hook's ship, Emma and Neal trudged through the snow and up the ramp. David held Snow's hand, as they carefully followed them onto the ship.

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