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"Come on...you need to get that lock open now," Cane growled to his subordinate, as he attempted to pick it. He had already gotten the rest of them out and were now trying to free their boss.

"I've almost got it," he insisted.

"Boss...shouldn't we wait? I mean, our army is still at least an hour out," another said.

"I don't care! No one humiliates me and gets away with it. And the ones that put me in here are going to be the first to pay," he promised, as the lock snapped open and he filed out.

"Time to kill some rats," Cane hissed.

"You think Tamara was the mole?" Snow asked, as she spotted the unconscious woman on the floor.

"We think so and Greg is bad news too. Hopefully we won't have to worry about that too much longer," Emma said, as they finished gathering a few essentials and then made their way back out to the square.

"How is he?" Emma asked, as they approached Whale, who had Hook on a stretcher.

"He made it through surgery. If we stay here, he has a shot if infection doesn't set in, but it's not a guarantee. If we make it back to a place with magic, then he can be healed," Whale told them. Snow nodded, as she saw them hurrying to them in the distance.

"Charming..." she called to him, as he was busy getting everyone lined up. He hurried to her and they waited with bated breath.

"It worked!" Belle exclaimed and Snow cried out in relief, as the two hugged tightly.

"We're going home?" she asked. Belle nodded.

"We're going to make it," she said happily. David smiled and caught his wife, as she jumped into his arms. He laughed and kissed her soundly.

"You two can make out later. Let's blow this Popsicle stand," Emma said, as she and Regina each took one of Henry's hands.

"Okay...this is it everyone. The portal should stay open long enough for everyone to go through as long as we keep moving through it. No dawdling or hesitation," David advised, before nodding to Rumple. He tossed it to the ground and a large swirling green portal opened. People began pouring through it, just as they heard a gunshot. David ducked and covered Snow with his body, as the maniac fired his gun.

"Go..." he urged.

"I'm not leaving without you," she refused, as she stood up and drew an arrow from her quiver. Aiming expertly, she landed one directly in Cane's chest, but unfortunately not in his heart. Still, the wound sent him tumbling to the ground, screaming in agony.

"Nice shot..." David complimented, as he pulled her back down, as his men started firing their guns at them.

"Keep going!" David called to everyone else, as they kept filing through the open portal. They heard the firing stop and Snow threaded another arrow, picking one off and then another, just as Cane struggled to get to his feet. They watched him pull the arrow out of his chest, with no small amount of pain and break it in his bare hand.

"If you thought I was going to make you two pay before...then you haven't seen anything yet," he growled, as he loaded another clip in his gun.

"Mom...Dad...that's almost everyone. Let's go!" Emma called. They got up and started toward their daughter, but Cane sprayed bullets in their direction.

"Dammit...we are not losing everything because of this prick," David growled, as he drew his sword. But Cane approached them and looked down at them smugly.

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