3 ~ Lunch at the Restaurant

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We all walked out of the theatre. Once we were outside, we stopped and stood to look up at the impressive building we had just auditioned in. "Here's hoping we get to perform here." Lucio remarked. We all nodded at his sentiment. He spoke for all of us. Cosimo clapped his hands and rubbed them together. "How about we all go to lunch together? Lucio's treat." He pointed and winked at his friend. Lucio rolled his eyes. "It's always Lucio's treat." He complained. Amedeo just laughed. 

"That would be great!" I smiled. Suddenly, my phone went off. "Ah, sorry, just a second." I apologized as I fished my phone out of my pocket and checked the message. It was my mom telling me to come to the restaurant right after the audition to help out with the lunch rush. My heart sank. This meant I couldn't go out to lunch with the guys. But my disappointment didn't matter; my family always came first. 

"Can I get a rain check on that lunch?" I asked. Amedeo, Cosimo, and Lucio all stopped their conversation and turned back to look at me, their faces falling. "You're leaving?" Lucio asked with a disappointed tone in his voice. I nodded. "My mom needs me to help out at the restaurant. Maybe another time." They all frowned and stood there, like they weren't going to accept my answer. I waved my hands in the air in front of me. "But you guys go, have a good time! I'll catch up with you later." I smiled. 

They all looked at each other and nodded. "Alright, fine. But it won't be as fun without you. I'm stuck with these two idoti all the time." Cosimo complained. Lucio and Amedeo started play hitting him, until he started laughing. Amedeo sighed and rubbed the back of his neck. "He's right though. It would be more fun with you. But I understand all about being there for your family." His gaze dropped to the ground, like he was remembering something. Lucio walked up to me and smiled. "You were truly astounding today." He complimented. He nervously cleared his throat and looked up at me, his glasses reflecting the sun in the background. "Could we, um, get your number so we can invite you out again sometime?" Amedeo and Cosimo perked up from behind. 

This was my first time ever getting my number asked for by a guy, except by my male relatives. It was exciting, especially since it was from these three. "Sure!" I smiled. I told them my number and they immediately inputted it into their cell phones. My phone soon started blowing up with texts all saying things like Ciao! or This is me and my number from each of the guys. "We'll annoy you incessantly from now on! You'll regret meeting us all this morning." Cosimo laughed. I looked at all three of them and smiled. "I don't think I will." They all smiled gratefully. We said our goodbyes and then I rushed home to go help out my mom. 

"I'm here!" I called out to my mom as I walked in the door, setting my bag down behind the counter. I gasped as soon as I saw the crowds. She really wasn't kidding! It was busier than I had ever seen it. My poor mom was frantically running around taking orders, serving food and drinks, and getting people's checks all mixed up. She caught sight of me and sighed in relief. "Finally! What took you so long? Put on an apron and go ahead and take care of that table in the corner." I nodded and ran behind the counter, tying the little black apron around my waist. I grabbed my notepad and a pencil and rushed over to the table to take their order. 

A few tables later, and I was already exhausted. I didn't know how my mom did this all by herself when I wasn't here to help. Thankfully, the crowds were starting to die down as more people were heading back to work from their lunch breaks. I was standing by the counter as my mom handed the table in the back their order of a variety of pastries and coffee. She came back to the counter and mimicked wiping the sweat off her forehead. "Lunch hour is no joke." She huffed. I nodded, feeling out of breath myself. "It's dying down a bit now. I'll have to set up for the dinner menu pretty soon." She remarked. Suddenly, her gaze was no longer on me but directly behind me. "Ah, benvenuto ragazzi! Here, my daughter will show you to your table." She tapped me on the arm. 

Tre Ragazzi e Una RagazzaTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon