chapter 4

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  it was late at night and Stephanie couldn't sleep she looked over at dizzy  who  was asleep and Stephanie rudely  tapped her on the shoulder that   give dizzy  a fright "ahhhh" dizzy ran out of the house  with her stuff without telling Mel and headed home, when she made it inside she went to her and Mel's room and went into bed and cried that led into a tantrum .  Poor Dizzy she couldn't sleep she had a tantrum for 1 hour  then she fell asleep it was very uneasy but she fell asleep anyways.

the next morning  Mel screamed that woke everyone up  "where is dizzy!"  "shut up!" Britany and Stephanie said  quite rude.  Mel ran all the way  home and found Dizzy asleep Mel went "aww" "melly?" "oh dizzy i'm glad your safe, sadly though i have to work if you need anything you can give me a call on your phone or you can call Hannah and see if he can come round alright darling i love you very very much i will check on you before i leave ok "

while Mel  got ready for work dizzy was playing with her toys  Mel went in and said "i have to go now alright don't run off ok stay here alright bye." "bwe melly i luv u"

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